You Will Grow In Our Arms And We Will Give You The Foundation To Soar High In Life

They say that mothers and fathers don’t have to be the ones who carry their children; that children are badly brought up if they spend too much time in his arms; that life happens on the ground, because that’s where the challenges are. This is where we must all rise from after the fall.

Well then, we are talking about children, not adults. In recent years we have seen a curious interest in the fact that minors have to “learn fast”. There are those who try to make their child acquire reading and writing skills as quickly as possible, learning to swim. Or even more, that they try solid foods on their own ahead of time…

Accelerating steps does not bring good results. No, if the child doesn’t demand it, it hasn’t reached those sensitive periods that Montessori was talking about. Because, in fact, it is the parents themselves who must know their children’s needs in order to know what to offer them. Knowing how to intuit and knowing what to give at every moment is to ensure success in creation .

Children, far from what our own parents, friends or supposed creation gurus say, need our arms to grow. Because the art of “creating well” is found in this place where two hearts come together, where care and security are offered, that is, close to mom and dad.

Below, we invite you to delve into this topic.

Creating in the arms: the affectionate contact that helps to grow

Let’s start by talking about this close creation, the one that seeks close, intimate and delicate contact. The “kangaroo mother” technique, for example, is vital for premature babies. This union of the baby’s skin with the mother’s (and father’s) skin favors the activation of multiple neurobiological mechanisms to improve the baby’s adaptive responses.

In fact, it improves breathing rhythm, oxygen flow and processes as essential as sucking and swallowing are stimulated. However, let’s look at more interesting aspects in detail.

Babies and children feel less pain

Premature babies are subjected to various medical procedures, in which they inevitably experience pain. However, being in the mother’s arms for different periods of time reduces this impact, this feeling.

  • Still, a baby, or an already grown child, will always reach for arms when they feel fear; when they feel pain, when they don’t feel well. Far from seeing this as the reaction of a demanding child, one must accept reality.
  • Physical contact reduces stress, alleviates fear, and brings adequate relaxation to pain-related neuronal circuits.

    The safety of mom and dad’s arms improves self-esteem

    Do not worry; hugging too much is not a sign of bad parenting. Caressing, kissing, and comforting do not make weak children for the world. Offering our lap or letting them sleep in our arms when they are 5 or 6 years old is also not “counterproductive”. In fact, you’ll be laying good roots in his emotional brain.

    • The child who feels wanted trusts himself more to explore, to discover.
    • Children who have had their parents around throughout their childhood grow into adults with better self-esteem.
    • Allowing our child to hug us whenever he wants, no matter how old he is, effectively creates “serious side effects” . You will create people with better self-concept, beings who value emotional bonding, adults capable of establishing bonds based on affection, care, and respect.

      I’ll give you wings to fly and base to come back

      As parents, you want the best for your children. Far from being influenced by what others say or think, you should trust what your pediatrician and your instincts say. It turns out to be curious to know, for example, that both the father’s and the mother’s brains change with the arrival of the first child.

      In books like: “Mother’s Intelligence. How motherhood makes us smarter,” we discover facts as fascinating as the greater neuronal connections experienced by the brains of men and women.

      • There is a joint purpose: to ensure the survival and well-being of this new being. This implies changing our purposes, and we will be able to develop new skills.
      • One of them is multitasking. Both will be able to do many things at the same time. Also, the level of oxytocin will pervade your brain. And even in Dad’s brain the testosterone level will be reduced to develop this need for care and attention.
      • Each of these characteristics bring us closer to an essential need: to have our children around, very close . Why deny something that is so comforting to both children and parents?

      It’s worth taking this into account. The nurturing in arms provides a foundation for our children. Try to give them that base where they will always return, where they identify themselves, and where they found their strength and breath to fly high in life.

      As far as dreams allow them to go .

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