You And Your Baby Need Fresh Air

Fresh air is always a good idea. A privilege that you can enjoy at any time of the day and that brings you pleasures, such as enjoying the air passing over your face, shaking your hair and caressing your clothes.

These sensations will in a matter of seconds make you and your child change your environment, relax and explore the beauty of your surroundings.

Feeling the fresh morning air as you nurse your child in front of the window, look at him and for a while, take in the landscape before you can help plan a wonderful journey.

At this time, when you feed your child with the best food in the world: breast milk, it can also be useful for you to say thanks for having the grace to enjoy another day on Earth, to ask for blessings for your family and to organize a work, in which you can manage your time so well that you can take care of your baby, clean the house and even paint your nails or apply cream on your body.

Feeling the light and fresh air through the window curtains is without a doubt a good way to start the day .

The fresh air in the afternoon also has its charm, and getting out of the house for a while has its benefits. Taking a walk in the park, on the street in your neighborhood or simply taking the baby in a stroller and sitting in front of the house is a pleasure. Sometimes you don’t even have to leave the house, as a trip to the garden to look at flowers, birds, and nature is enough to clear your minds for both of you, which is a necessary good.

Clear your mind and get some fresh air

Of course, leaving the house helps to change the environment and change and break the routine, as taking a walk with your baby will always be a pleasurable adventure for both of you, as well as being an exercise that helps you relax and invites you to look at new people, make different gestures and friendly smiles that can make you clear your mind and activate your baby’s.

Freeing your mind is just one of the benefits that getting out of the isolation of the house for a while to get some fresh air gives you , because having a new look is another benefit of changing your environment.

The exercise of having a new look is not only restricted to strolling through the best works of art that a gallery has available, or observing a runway with models, as the eyes find grace in any beautiful object, such as the stars in the sky, the flight of a butterfly, a leafy and robust tree or the clear sky, and to appreciate that, you and your baby just need to observe what is above.

This simple exercise is very likely to surprisingly stimulate and relax your baby, who will be able to see how many birds and insects appear in the sky around you. This will make you return home in a good mood, or who knows, he will fall asleep, allowing you to occupy yourself with any business at the moment.

Changing air is more than positive

“Change of air” is a very popular expression that almost always refers to changing the subject or some environment that becomes dense, in search of a new perspective that helps to find some solution to the problem, or to the situation that seemed impossible to resolve.

There are examples of phrases that associate the fact of having gone away for a trip or having changed with the expression “change of air”, but, although, certainly taking a trip is one of the best alternatives when someone needs to clear  their mind, and observe life from a different perspective; you don’t have to go far for a change of scenery.

Enjoying the night without straying too far from home can be an exercise that helps you release stress. The night is as, or more, enchanting than the morning, the night is always mysterious, it also has its noises and its nocturnal animals, such as the frogs in the garden that after sunset provide a show that turns out to be adorable and stimulating for Many.

“Changing air” and enjoying the air that injects new life into your body and your child’s with each inhalation of it is a matter of attitude ; to enjoy the simple things in life that are the basis of happiness.

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