What Are Breastfeeding Support Groups?

Breastfeeding support groups are associations and meetings of women, many of them with previous maternal experiences. In addition to conversations, physical and psychological exercises are performed. What are these effective help groups?
What are breastfeeding support groups?

Social groups reached families through breastfeeding support groups. Cooperation, experience and mutual support often benefit first-time mothers. But what is this movement?

Is it possible to think of a group that prepares us to breastfeed our future baby? Currently, these initiatives exist and have a positive effect on future mothers. Although breastfeeding is natural, many new parents are unsure about the difficulties they may encounter at first.

What are breastfeeding support groups?

These groups can be defined as associations of women who support first-time mothers in early breastfeeding. It is a great help because there are many pregnant women who do not know how to breastfeed or are afraid of this moment.

In this way, meetings are held between the members in which they share experiences and practice some exercises. Each woman tells her own stories, psychologically preparing the new members for what comes next.

In these groups, topics such as the feeling of breastfeeding, the duration of the process and other details about the subject are addressed. The ultimate goal is for all mothers to overcome their fears and prejudices.

breastfeeding support groups

Pro-breastfeeding groups are born as a real social need

It all started in the mid-1980s, when the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) began to study the issue of breastfeeding. Although it is a natural task for the mother, many problems were found around its realization.

Among the surveys, it was also determined that education and support groups were influential in breastfeeding. Since then, both prestigious and international outreach organizations have promoted the creation of support groups.

The organizations’ first project was the Initiative for the Humanization of Assistance to Birth and Breastfeeding (IHAN). From then on, it was internalized that education, medical monitoring and counseling among women favored breastfeeding.

Characteristics of breastfeeding support groups

  • Participants: groups are always composed of women with experience in breastfeeding. They create a volunteer service and advise first-time mothers who ask for help.
  • No Cost: Activities in these groups are done free of charge, based on the fact that they are non-profit organizations. These activities are subsidized by donations from the mothers themselves, from international organizations or from different governments.
  • Physical Spaces: In general, meetings are held in public spaces that are provided by hospitals and public institutions. These places become breastfeeding dissemination centers.

    How to organize a pro-breastfeeding group?

    Like any organization, creating this type of unit takes effort, time, and capital. The first thing is to think of a project that includes the group’s mission and vision. Identity is also important for offering cooperation activities.

    The next task is to find a place for the meetings, establish the times and seek financial help, which is perhaps the most complex part. However, the good news is that it is possible to present projects in hospitals, public institutions and non-governmental organizations.

    It is also important to plan and organize the group, assigning specific tasks to each member. Social networks are useful outreach tools, a big help these days. Among its benefits, we can mention the possibility of contacting people and starting communication tasks.

    breastfeeding support groups

    The family can always participate, in addition to benefiting from the group

    Even though the groups are mainly composed of mothers who counsel others, the entire family of the future baby will benefit from the meetings.

    For example, there are groups that prepare activities in which the mothers’ partners and other family members can also participate. Added to this, women can almost always invite relatives with whom they are close.

    Furthermore, they are activities fueled by the formation of friendship networks. Often, a friend who participated previously introduces the group to other friends or family members so that they can also receive assistance.

    In short, breastfeeding support groups are created to support new mothers before the new stage in their lives begins. Learning, conversations and the exchange of experiences are the main resources to continue with a mission as important as this one.

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