Things That Happen When You Live Far From Your Mother

Things that happen when you live away from your mother

Living away from your mother makes you feel different emotions. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what situation you find yourself in. At some point you will miss her. The intensity of the longing will certainly vary depending on the experiences you have had with it, the distance you are at and the circumstances that life has placed for you.

Certainly what you miss most when you’re away from your mother are the details of everyday life. Furthermore, when you become independent and become the pillar of your family or home, you realize that you have to take on many responsibilities that only your mother had before.

Your mother is present in your thoughts every day when you are away from her. This is because she is simply one of the people you love the most in the world. She is the one who will always be worried about you. This can be seen clearly no matter how old you are. She will always ask what you ate, how is work, and will do everything possible to be present in your life.

When you live far from your mother…

When you live in the same town as your mother, it doesn’t feel like she’s that far away. You know you can count on her whenever you need to, and you can see her in a matter of minutes. However, when you go to live in another city or even in another country and don’t know if you’ll be able to visit soon, that ‘s when you really realize that you won’t be able to count on her presence whenever you want.

Mother kisses her daughter.  Difficulties of living away from the mother

Thinking that you can no longer have a simple coffee with her or call her to accompany you to the doctor will make you realize that you miss her more than you thought.

Getting sick doesn’t have the same cure anymore

When you get sick, you often understand that your mother, even though she has no medical knowledge, can calm you down simply because she is the person who knows her best in the world. All mothers know how to take care of each of their children in a “personalized” way. They know exactly what each child needs to feel better.

Important dates are lived differently

It was his mother who was always by his side to celebrate all his achievements. She was the one who prepared most of your birthdays, Christmas and the best moments with your family. So if you are away from your mother when a special date is approaching, you will inevitably think of her and how this year will be different for a number of reasons.

Phone calls multiply

Your mother will always be interested to hear how you are. No matter what you have to say, she will always be willing to spend a few minutes with you on the phone. Maybe until then you hadn’t realized how much you talked to your mother before you left home. It’s normal. It is often difficult to appreciate the things we are used to.

But you know you don’t have to worry. You know that even though she is far away, she can continue to ask for help with anything in the house or for advice on raising the children. That’s why, when you leave your hometown, the phone and video calls become your best friends.

mother lying on the grass with daughter

Do you notice everything your mother did for you at home

If you are a young person and are single when you leave home and become independent, you begin to notice many things your mother did for you in silence, expecting nothing in return. The tasks of a stay-at-home mother often go unnoticed. Clothes cannot be ironed on their own, cooking is not as easy as it sounds and cleaning is often a never-ending task.

When you have your own house, you understand the sacrifice of keeping it tidy and clean. Now you are responsible, you are the one who will take the reins.

you want her to be proud of you

One of your goals in life is to make your mother feel proud of you. Therefore, you will want to show that you are also capable of being independent, of taking your own life forward, of being a good wife, and even of being a good mother.

The role of a mother is irreplaceable.  We often don’t value it enough. But the day will come when you will have children of your own and all these feelings will be born in you spontaneously. And then you will understand that being a mother is much easier than it sounds.

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