The Benefits Of Massaging Babies

Can you massage babies? The answer is yes. There are many positive effects that are enjoyed by the baby: relaxation, resolving the ever uncomfortable constipation and cramps, and helping to have a deep, restful sleep. Find out in this article useful and relevant information about massage, its benefits and some recommendations we have for you when you want to give this gift to your child

  Massage is a technique with therapeutic purposes that consists in the external manipulation of the skin, emphasizing the muscles,  in order to relax, remedy discomfort, etc… The professionals achieve wonderful therapeutic effects with people who suffer from the most diverse pains and stress, combining techniques and instruments.

When we massage our babies, in addition to strengthening our bond and connection with them, we can use this technique to relax and refresh them.

Massages are a wonderful alternative to stimulate our baby’s mobility when he is still crawling and then in his first steps because it helps to significantly improve his fine and gross motor skills.

Hindu massages such as the famous Shantala provide babies with great physical and mental well-being, favoring flexibility in the space where they develop and strengthening emotional ties with their parents.

What are the improvements with baby massage?

With massages you can soothe your baby if he is irritable or unable to get a good sleep. The vast majority of babies love to receive massages, since in addition to feeling very loved, this special moment for both of them can become the new “Happy time”, the favorite and happy moment of the youngest in the house.

Massages, in addition to being pleasant because of the direct contact you have with your baby, helps her to develop sensations and be more in tune with her senses.

We can resort to massaging the abdominal area, rubbing with baby oil or citrus cream when our baby suffers from constipation and colic. These gentle circular movements will ease your abdominal pain and ease your bowel movement.

And so, in addition to the delicious experience, babies will  associate the massage moment with the smell of some cream, the background music you use for your special session or when you finish your bath routine. You will soon notice that he or she will ask through different gestures that one more session is done.

Benefits of infant massage


Massages for babies bring great benefits. Here are eight of them:

1.- They bring relaxation so that sleep is easier.

2.- Stimulate the immune system and the development of the nervous system.

3.- Strengthen circulatory, gastrointestinal and respiratory functions.

4.- Strengthen affective bonds with mother, father and close people.

5.- Establish NON-verbal communication.

6.- They increase the baby’s self-esteem.

7.- Avoid pain, anxiety and crying.

8.- Contribute to the beauty and shine of the skin.

Recommendations for massage

Getting the right time to give your baby a massage requires the ability to know how long it should last, so that effectiveness is prolonged, and what strategies to use. All of this can be summarized below:

  • Massages should be done before or long after a meal.
  • Resting time after lunch or after bathing can be, without a doubt, the best time to start a massage.
  • A warm and closed environment will make the baby more comfortable.
  • The use of a cotton towel , baby oils and creams will be of great help for this very special moment.
  • From 15 to 20 minutes of massages will be enough; it is possible that your boy or girl will fall asleep a little before or until the end (depending on whether the massage was intended for relaxation).
  • For a start it is important that the position is chest up, this way both can interact calmly and the process is better.
  • Relaxing music with adequate volume will make the massage more pleasurable. Something important to note is that if you sing or hum a song, the relaxation can get even greater.
  • Starting with the legs will be less invasive as it is one of the least sensitive areas of your body.
  • The baby’s digestive system is usually not fully developed: so  massaging the belly area prevents the accumulation of uncomfortable gas and prevents constipation.


Taking a technical course can be a great recommendation to improve the movements according to your baby’s needs. If your baby cries when you are having the massage, skip the exercise and see your pediatrician at your next appointment.

Massage for babies additionally strengthens their immune system and solidifies the bond of love between them. When you  finish this beautiful attitude, don’t forget to kiss her forehead and look into her little eyes, have one of the greatest gifts there is, which is to tell your child how much you love him. You can be sure that this will never be forgotten.

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