How To Tell If Your Children Fear Or Respect You

Are you one of those people who tries to discipline children with authoritarianism? You must know that this is not the best way to educate them. Or, on the contrary, are you the kind of father that the children respect above all and above all?
How to tell if your children fear or respect you

To find out if your children are afraid or respect you, we will present some characteristics to help you. Keep reading this article.

Being authoritative can work once, twice, three times. Maybe a few times more, depending on the child. However, in the medium and long term this only generates negative consequences. If you are always pushing yourself, instead of listening to your child, he may start to be afraid of you and respond to you just like that.

For you to understand, the relationship between a parent who inspires fear and a parent who inspires confidence is similar to that of a boss and a true leader.

Authority must be earned through your deeds. Being a parent gives you the rightful authority. But for your kids to feel that way, you have to earn it day after day.

Instilling fear into children to act as you expect is to act the same way as an authoritarian boss at work. First, imagine your superior telling you to do something very difficult that you don’t know how to do. Next, imagine your boss telling you that he needs you to do something together so you can learn and then do it yourself. Do you see the difference?

It is clear that you are the one with the knowledge and experience. You must learn to pass this on to your kids! Just knowing how to do things is useless. Likewise, it’s no use asking for something and not explaining how it’s done.

  • Show your children that you have respect for them and teach them to respect others. Like? Be the example. Treating your child well, as well as everyone around them, will create an environment in which your children will learn to act correctly. Always remember to ask for things by saying please and saying thanks. This helps the child to internalize this behavior.
  • Be affectionate. There is no better way to teach a child than by showing him affection.

children are afraid or feel respect

  • Listen to everything the child has to say. Don’t belittle her comments or opinions. Demonstrate that what she thinks and feels is important to you. That way, she will understand that you value her and, in addition, she will learn to value you too.

What attitudes should I avoid so that my child is not afraid of me?

  • Hit
  • To threaten
  • Shout out
  • Insult
  • Humiliate
  • show hate
  • make children feel bad
  • be intolerant
  • Punish constantly or without reason
  • criticize negatively

Always keep in mind that children are fragile creatures and they absorb everything around them like a sponge. If the environment is a violent environment, this will facilitate the incorporation of violent attitudes on the part of the child. If you expose your child to a place full of love and understanding, he will embody that environment.

How can I tell if my kids are afraid of me?

You must evaluate your own behavior towards the child to know what he sees from what you show.

If you have an authoritarian, corrective attitude, if you regularly do some of the things we advise you to avoid, your children are likely to feel more fear than respect.

For you to gain their trust, you must maintain a healthy relationship at home, talk to your children, show understanding and affection. Remember, whatever goes around comes around. If you are respectful to them, they will learn it, and they will be respectful to you.

What if I stop being authoritarian and they don’t respect me anymore?

We must make our children understand that we are the ones who have the experience and the knowledge they will soon acquire throughout their lives. When they are small or young, they are still unaware of many things. That’s why we need to be there to help, guide and give advice.

children are afraid or feel respect

Not being authoritarian does not mean not setting limits. And by limits, we also don’t mean taking away your children’s full right to freedom. Boundaries must be consistent, and they must have a meaning.

For example, if your child must get up at 6 am to go to school, it is logical that you will not allow him to leave late, because he has responsibilities to take on. Children, when they are young, have no sense of responsibility. So we must help them understand these things.

We should also consider placing boundaries to physically protect them and, if necessary, protect them from others.

Always before taking any action of this type, think if this is what you are looking to achieve, and if you believe that this is the best way to do it.

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