How To Say “no” To Children In A Positive Way?

How to say “no” to children in a positive way?

Is it possible to say “no” to children in a positive way? Fortunately, this mission is more than possible, without uttering a single denial. The best part is that, as the experts on the subject defend, with this practice it is possible to obtain more and better results with children.

Maybe you spend days, afternoons and nights uttering that uncomfortable word. This not only causes significant mental fatigue, it also makes you lose your temper and takes your frustration to unexpected levels.

It’s just that, no matter how much you repeat it to exhaustion, children seem not to understand or not want to understand what is being said. But stay calm, this is completely natural. In fact, if you talk to other mothers, you’ll find this happens in every home.

However, many mothers notice another situation that is caused by the constant use of denial to express a prohibition. Children start saying “no” to absolutely everything. Therefore, a good strategy is to develop this same direction in a positive way.

Why do this in a positive way?

“Don’t go up the slide”, “Don’t hit your brother”, “Don’t run in the corridors”. During childhood this type of expression becomes abundant. With insistence, we hear at home the mother or father speak this way, and even in educational and cultural or sports centers that deal with children.


Perhaps a more appropriate way to give this advice is, for example: “If you climb that slide you could get hurt” or “Take care of your brother, otherwise he won’t want to play with you anymore” . Of course, many of you will be wondering what these “mere euphemisms” change.

A lot of things. When you repeat the word “no”, it sends a negative message to the child. It is not simply a matter of adopting a contrary attitude, agreeing and accepting everything. On the contrary, at all times the objective is to protect and set limits, but in a positive way.

Naturally, in the education of a child there should be a logical balance between “yes” and “no” in relation to decisions. And these are certainly not arbitrary decisions, but decisions with discretion and meaning. This is how we will manage to make the little ones begin to understand the reasons for the proposed norms, not imposed.

It is important, then, to say “no” in a positive way. This will help to develop awareness and responsibility for the acts and their consequences. In addition, it will encourage the child’s autonomy and independence, which will provide better self-esteem.

Positively: How to say no?

Here you will find the best tips to achieve that much desired harmony at home. You’ll find that, in addition to getting kids to explore their abilities and potentials, you’ll be able to prevent them from having the dreaded tantrums that make us lose our senses.


Start working on language and exploring different ways to communicate. Save the harsh and excessive “no” for more extreme cases and follow the following advice that will ensure positive and successful application of the rules. Keep well this advice that will be your salvation in terms of education!

  • Always offer an alternative. It’s a good idea to give a choice of what to do, rather than simply denying it.
  • Explain what could happen if the child does not give up on the attitude. She must understand the consequences of her actions.
  • Defer the order. If, for example, your child wants to play with you but you’re busy, just tell him so. Then say that at another time you can play and of course you must keep that promise.
  • Establish house rules and explain why they were made. Don’t dictatorially deny yourself to sweets or the act of watching television every day. Explain the reasons for decreasing the frequency of certain actions so that children understand and respond to these limits.

As you can see, saying “no” in a positive way is not only possible, it’s simple. The secret lies in a change of attitude that, logically, requires greater doses of patience, and the establishment of functional communication in our mission. Try it and you will be amazed!

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