How To Avoid Screaming At Home?

If you feel that the peaceful environment in your home has been affected by constant screaming lately, the following tips in this article could be of great help.
How to avoid screaming at home?

How to avoid screaming at home? This is a common question for many families. We see that what started out as a quiet conversation can suddenly turn into a big, screaming discussion.

Although this situation has become very common nowadays, it is possible to establish a certain level of tranquility at home. Just as it is possible to avoid the screams that can harm your family.

6 practical tips to avoid screaming at home

Generally, misunderstandings and screaming occur due to lack of good communication in the family and not knowing how to listen.

1.- Recognize the problem

It is critical for parents to recognize that stress and moodiness have a high level of incidence when screaming. But the only way to face and change this situation is to be sensible and acknowledge the problem.

Next, to look for a solution, you must learn to listen to the opinions of all family members.

2.- Establish a commitment

Making a family commitment to stop yelling and speak respectfully can be a solution. Explain to the children and teens that everyone will learn not to yell, including you parents.

But each needs the other’s help. Therefore, you must strive and be patient. If they do, they will soon get into the habit of speaking without raising their voice.

3.- Take some time to calm down

The American Psychological Association states that anger is a completely normal human feeling and, in general, healthy. However, what you should avoid is letting anger show. If you feel like you’re about to explode and you’re going to yell at someone, the first thing you should do is take some time to calm down.

The ideal is to take a deep breath and go to a quieter place in the house until you are calm. In a moment of anger, doing this is not easy. But think that when you make an effort, little by little, your house will not have more screams.

4.- Before speaking, think about what to say and how to say it

Instead of giving an answer in a voice that’s too loud to silence the other person, why don’t you put yourself in their shoes and listen without judging? Avoiding sarcastic comments or hurtful accusations will allow the other person to tone down their voice as well.

In addition, it is essential to teach children to express their emotions and frustrations calmly and without the need to scream.

5.- Apologize right away 

Don’t let negative feelings make you lose sight of your goal: to avoid screaming at home. If you’ve gotten carried away with anger and yelled at someone, the best thing to do is accept some of the blame and ask for forgiveness.

On the other hand, if it was your child, for example, who yelled, resist the urge to yell at him in response. Respond in a calm tone of voice. That is, lead by example by speaking gently in an appropriate but firm tone of voice.

You can say you won’t listen until the person stops screaming. Also, you must accept the apology with patience and consideration.

6.- Avoid throwing wood into the fire

If it’s been a difficult day for the family, any spark can light the fire. In these situations, avoid negative comments that can trigger screaming and disagreement. Look for a place or activity that calms the spirits and makes you feel better.

avoid the screams at home

Discipline your child without screaming

Yelling at your child when he misbehaves may seem like a quicker method of disciplining. But it can also be the quickest way to make your child’s behavior problems worse, as you’ll be teaching frustration through screaming.

To avoid screaming at home, you should establish clear, simple rules that your children can follow. Talk calmly with your children about the rules and use resources to help them remember them. A good idea is to make a list and place it in a visible place in the house.

Explaining in advance the consequences of not complying with the rules will help to improve the behavior of children, especially if they are teenagers, as at this stage they tend to scream more when they feel frustrated.

Remember: screaming sounds like it’s harmless, but it can do a lot of harm to your family’s emotional side . To avoid screaming at home, you will need self-control, patience, and empathy.

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