How To Act When Your Child Tells You They’re Being Bullied

You move closer, your heart breaking to see him down. She starts talking to him, and he looks discouraged, not wanting to talk too much. He is being bullied at school.
How to act when your child tells you he is being bullied

Your child comes home from school and you see him distressed. “He was bullied” is the first thing you think.

You start to hate the hallways and school classes. These places designed to make children suffer through the cruelty of the strongest. You see the sadness on your child’s angelic face and your heart breaks because you feel sorry for him.

Fat, thin, tall, short, men and women, young and old, white and dark, no one escapes this new form of violence.

Well, you probably don’t know what to do. Anxiety and anguish are feelings you experience as you ask yourself “how to act in this case?”. So, pay attention to this article.

Show your child how different and unique he is.

the bullying

If your child is the focus of cruel criticism, then give importance to what other children point out as negative about him. You should point out all the things, other than the ones that point to it, that set you apart from the rest of people.

From the beginning, this differential feature should never be considered as something negative. Your child must come out as he is, understanding that this is what makes him unique and special.

You can even mention those people who have triumphed in different areas of life, even presenting such conditions that are bullied by other children and tell him what they had to put up with.

This way, show your child that he is not the only person who has had to go through this situation.

Also explain that people always have something to say, meaning they like to have their say, even when they don’t ask for their opinion. They like to judge, even though they don’t know what’s behind each person, their life story.

“It’s in adversity that I get stronger” . This should be the motto that encourages your child to fight this battle so as not to be deterred by these abused children who, for sure, manifest insecurity problems through these attitudes.

This is because through this type of behavior, they do nothing more than reveal their needs.

How should you act when your child is bullied

First, notice the words that are directed against him, as well as from whom they depart.

Tell him that we should try not to let what we are told hurt us. We must ignore the ignorant person who suffers from an inferiority complex, who needs to belittle the other in order to feel superior.

“You point to the other, the defects you have” , repeat the children in Argentina. And in Chile they would say: “idiots have an opinion about everything” .

Tell him that he must move on, and that life will take care of putting everyone in their place. That’s when he’s going to show that nothing they said affected him, and that he’s bigger than all that.

the bullying

It’s important that he never forget that the fact that he’s unique and special – or that he doesn’t see himself as others – doesn’t mean he’s weird.

No, he is not at all. Being different was never a bad thing. On the contrary, people have always known how to transform this into something different.

You should encourage your child to be happy just the way he is, with his faults and strengths.

He must love himself with complete security. You must accept and know that the good thing about being different – ​​in body, mind, soul and spirit – is that the person thinks and acts differently. So what are you supposed to do if your child is bullied at school?

There is no better answer than a good smile. Believe that only then will you erase the executioner’s mocking smile, the one that took pleasure in your son’s crying. And that now you will feel more diminished and inferior when you see that your poison has no effect. This is the worst damage a toxic person can suffer.

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