How Do X-rays Affect Pregnancy?

Exposure to the high-energy radiation needed to take X-rays can actually be harmful to the baby. This affects areas such as the eyes and can even be a cause of intellectual disability.
How do X-rays affect pregnancy?

X-rays are a technique used in medicine as a diagnostic guide to identify pathologies in the body. They are used for examinations ranging from checking bone parts to accurate observation of organs. Considering that pregnant women are always advised to use them, how do X-rays affect pregnancy? 

This diagnostic technique is done through the emission of gamma radiation, thus obtaining the well-known contrast images. Undoubtedly, in case of a medical emergency, the use of diagnostic techniques is essential to provide the correct treatment. However, as we mentioned earlier, it can be risky for a pregnant woman.

Without a doubt, exposure to the risks of radiation during pregnancy is a general prohibition for any pregnant woman. Among the most direct consequences for the fetus, there are malformations in the eye cells or even mental retardation. 

However, it is worth clarifying that the latter case only occurs if the mother is exposed to radiation levels equal to or greater than a measure called 10 rads.

So don’t be afraid if you had to have an X-ray during pregnancy and didn’t know it. Next, we’ll indicate the amounts of radiation needed to take an X-ray, and you’ll see that, in most cases, this limit is not reached.

How do X-rays affect pregnancy?

When an X-ray is taken,  the pregnant woman must necessarily be exposed to ionizing radiation. These emanations are the only ones that allow obtaining contrast to be able to observe any part of the body: bones, viscera, organs and teeth, among others.

However,  for these radiation levels to actually change the fetus in a negative way, two very precise conditions must be met. The first is the weeks of pregnancy development, and the second is linked to the radiation dose.

X-rays affect pregnancy

Risks according to the time of pregnancy development

First, let’s deal with the effects of ionizing radiation according to gestation time. The first proven indication is that if a woman is  exposed to X-ray radiation before the embryo implants in the uterus, she has a 50% chance of losing it.

However, although it is already quite regrettable that implantation is not successfully achieved because of the effects of radiation, the most serious consequences  for the fetus will occur between the third and eighth weeks of pregnancy. It is at this point that it is possible for the fetus to develop congenital malformations.

Among the most important damages can occur problems in the central nervous system. In addition, experts point out that the  closer the fetus is to its first few weeks of life, the greater the chances that it will be affected.

Risk of high radiation dose

Not all radiation exposure will affect the fetus. At first, before printing the image, the radiologist places special lead plates over the most important areas of the body to prevent radiation from penetrating the body.

In addition, as a protection protocol, the patient is always asked several times if she is pregnant or if she suspects she might be. Likewise, today,  machines are always graded to emit the least amount of radiation possible.

X-rays affect pregnancy

Anyway,  we offer as a conclusion the exact data of radiation levels that can be harmful. In case of a medical emergency, you can notify the radiologist or your doctor.

The amounts that affect the fetus are equal to or greater than the so-called 10 rads, also known as 100 milligrays (mGy). To get a better idea, an abdominal radiograph transmits 2.5 mGy; a pelvic X-ray, which is prescribed for some pregnant women before delivery, emits only 2 mGy.

This means that, in general, a pregnant woman would not reach levels of 100 mGy or 10 rads even if she took a dozen x-rays in a day.

As a final recommendation, we advise that you always talk to your doctor in case of a medical emergency. If you have doubts about a possible pregnancy, always  ask for the lead plate protection offered by the radiology service to patients.

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