Father Is The One Who With A Hug Heals All Pain

When a father embraces, protects and gives life to his children, he alleviates fears, comforts them and makes a smile of happiness come over their little faces.
Father is the one who with a hug heals all pain

Few places are as comforting and serene as this little corner in Dad’s chest and arms. That special place where you can hear your heart pounding hard.

Rousseau said that a good father is worth a hundred teachers. And it’s true. Because if you think about it, you will see that few people are going to leave such a deep and decisive imprint on our earliest emotional memory. A legacy capable of providing this type of education that teaches us to face life with more courage and confidence.

Something we all know is that creation has no territories, let alone is uniquely typical of a genre. Both mother and father are guides, teachers and power figures in the child’s daily life. Furthermore, due to the significant presence of women in the world of work and business today, there are many fathers who are responsible for most of the care, attention and education of children.

There are many parents who are responsible for household chores or who even choose to raise their children alone. All of this should convince us once again that men are not just “helpers,” those people who help from time to time or who take a more passive position when it comes to raising children.

They also feed their children even though they do not breastfeed. They also stay awake at night, sleep little, change diapers and hug their babies with the same love, need and gentle care as a mother.
In this “I’m Mom” article , we’ll talk a little more about that.

The virtues of a good parent live forever in the child’s mind

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We live in a world where almost everything seems to be perishable. As the recently deceased Zygmunt Bauman said, we are conditioned by a liquid society where everything is recycled, where things end soon and are replaced by others only by our will to consume.

While it’s possible that our son will also be driven by this trend toward consumerism when he starts to grow up, there will be something different about him: the roots and enduring legacy his father passed on. These aspects will always serve as a guide as they have no expiration date.

Every piece of advice, every meaningful memory, and every hug is like sugar that dissolves in your children’s hearts. These are aspects that provide nobility and sweetness, magic and determination. And something like that is enduring, eternal, and constant.

Valuable is the father who cares about getting to know his children

This Shakespearean phrase “valuable is the father who cares for the satisfaction of his children” certainly contains a great truth.

Educating is not molding minds according to our will, sowing rigid ideas, regulating trends, desires or passions. A good father is one who strives to get to know his children on a daily basis to understand their emotions and help them channel them. Get to know them to know what interests, passions and dreams will allow them to form a strong, healthy, free and unique identity.

Being a father is also about remembering yourself as a child

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We are often reminded that we must never lose sight of our inner child. A good father is a man who knows very well what his responsibilities are. He is aware that he needs to take care of himself emotionally and psychologically to give his child the best. At the same time, you also know that you must keep your inner child present.

  • That way he can connect with the value of seizing the moment. In the present where everything is possible. Consequently, children live with dreams and hopes, improvising, laughing casually, having fun with games, etc…
  • Children love to play with this giant hero that is their father. Like children, parents also know how to appreciate, remembering their own childhood, gesticulating, singing, making them laugh until they get tired…

The best gift from a parent to their child is their TIME

In “I’m Mommy”, we remember this whenever possible. The best gift we can give our children is to dedicate time, attention, quality moments, etc. Finally, these moments that remain forever in the memory of children’s hearts.

The good father knows this too. Therefore, you know how to separate work time from relaxation time, love and affection with your children very well. He understands that this is the highest priority. And that life isn’t worth it when you don’t devote body and soul to your children for at least two hours of your day.

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It’s all part of the treasure that kids will always remember. Just as you will surely remember Dad’s protective hugs. This place where they felt so safe and protected and loved.

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