Daddy Can Also Choose Creation With Attachment my

Creation with attachment: we imagine a mother carrying her newborn in a kangaroo and favoring this Birth bonding (affective bond) built through constant contact and closeness.
Dad can also choose creation with attachment

When we talk about parenting with attachment, it’s common to visualize almost instantly a mother nursing her child up to 5 years of age.

But… where is the father in all this? Are not parents also architects of this bond generated through a present and constant upbringing that also firmly believes in the importance of attachment?

We must not deceive ourselves. The education of a child is, in general, a thing of two. This intimate and wonderful sphere established between its main protagonists is what equally builds the chosen type of creation.

Daddy does it too, daddy cares and consoles. He seeks this approach with which to favor exogestation that improves the baby’s brain development, while reinforcing a strong relationship, a magical and extraordinary bond.

Today, in “I’m Mama”, we want to propose a reflection on this.

Daddy does not breastfeed, but he also nourishes

A father does not breastfeed, but feeds in the same way as a mother. Your heart loves the same way. Your skin also provides warmth. Your hands also know how to caress, change diapers and even tickle.

Dad also knows how to give kisses and teach his son his first words.

A father’s arms are a fabulous place to grow up and from which to look at the world with confidence.

Also, something we all know is that it is increasingly common to see men with their kangaroos carried on their chests while shopping.

They know perfectly well how to position children. Furthermore, they understand that this daily approach brings great benefits that are worth investing in.

Parents also get up at night to heat bottles, dry tears, soothe cramps, get smiles when children cry out from nightmares, and to make sure “the baby is breathing.”

They are parents present as concerned as a mother.

Something that must not be forgotten is that each couple establishes in advance what kind of upbringing to give to their children. Taking the child to sleep with the parents is an option that the two members decided together.

The 5 “Bs” of creation with attachment where the father is, YES, present

creation with attachment

1. Babywearing: carrying the baby

Parents build creation with attachment by carrying the baby close to their heart and in contact with their skin.

Whether in the arms or through kangaroos, it is part of this routine to demonstrate to your children that they are protected, safe and loved

2. Beding close to baby: sleeping close to the baby

We’ve already said it initially. When we talk about nurturing with attachment, we think of the mother who sleeps with her baby, clinging to her and offering her warmth and protection during these nighttime hours.

Now, the father too is in that same bed and he understands that to avoid the separation anguish that some children feel at night, there is nothing better than sleeping close to her.

3. Belief in the language value of your baby’s cry: believe in the value of the language of your baby’s cry

Crying, as we all know, is the only mechanism the baby has to communicate with the parents.

Babies do not manipulate, do not cheat and if they cry, it is for a specific need that must be met. Parents know this and come quickly to care, comfort or feed.

4. Beware of baby trainers: beware of baby trainers

creation with attachment

Many families base their children’s upbringing on training, schedules and strict guidelines.

Attached parenting is concerned, above all, with the needs of children before following stipulated norms.

In other words, if the baby is hungry and it hasn’t been three hours since the last feed, there is no reason to wait if there is a “need”.

This is something every parent who trusts the principles of parenting with attachment also understands.

5. Balance: balance

Attachment parenting is not based on giving the child everything he wants, everything he demands without rules, limits and obligations.

There is a balance, a democratic agreement and a logic . Fathers, as well as mothers, know that a respectful upbringing will never be one full of disobedience.

creation with attachment

6. Breastfeeding: breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the best food for the newborn.

We know the studies support it. But, first of all, a moment of magical complicity between mother and child is built.

So what role does the father play during breastfeeding? He is present.

The father helps the mother, creates the environment and this approach, in which he involves both of them with his love, with his appreciation and even with his admiration.

creation with attachment

We must also not forget that another premise of creation with attachment is “both” , that is, “both”.

This bond between the couple is what gives even more strength to the creation process. It is a bond that gives consistency, that transmits support in times of difficulty.

So, now tell us… who can doubt that parents are very good at parenting with attachment?

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