Causes Of Delays And Advances In Childbirth

Causes of delays and advances in delivery

The exact date of delivery is difficult to determine. But generally there are some clues that help to establish an approximate day on the calendar. Experts generally estimate that childbirth will take place according to the date of the last menstrual period. But it is normal that there is no guaranteed accuracy.

Likewise, in the case of first-time mothers, there is usually a greater propensity for alterations of this type. Delivery can be early or late due to different factors. But first-time mothers experience one of these situations more often.

Factors and results

Even though  in most cases cases of delayed or early delivery are normal,  there are adverse conditions that can determine these facts. However, it is common to expect more than we would like or to be surprised by the birth of our little one. For nature’s designs are difficult to predict.

In this sense, a pregnancy under normal conditions could end with a premature birth in several weeks, but it can also seem endless. Whatever the case, there is an explanation that shouldn’t necessarily be worrisome and that certainly can prepare us for a future pregnancy.

On the other hand, the factors that lead to early or late delivery can be varied and even unforeseen.  There are also some popular beliefs that try to explain the situation. For example, they say that girls take a little longer to be born, or that the phases of the moon influence childbirth.
Below we detail the main causes that affect the arrival of delivery time.

Causes of delayed delivery

Causes of delayed delivery
A delayed birth can be a source of concern and discomfort for the mother, affecting the entire family. Waiting too long for the baby to arrive is not out of the ordinary and, in fact, quite normal. But this is a wait that can affect the quality of life of the mother, who will probably be quite tired by this time.

The causes of a prolonged pregnancy are diverse. But usually delivery is delayed for the following reasons:

  • Factors related to heredity. It is common in mothers whose own mother or sisters have also had prolonged pregnancies. This happens due to elements related to the body constitution, which can be similar in families.
  • Lack of elasticity in the main body tissues of the expectant mother.
  • Date inaccuracy. In these cases the gestation period was not correctly estimated. Therefore, the delivery date may vary.
  • Presence of some diseases, such as infections, which affect the membranes and, in particular, the placenta.
  • High levels of stress or punctual facts that cause it suddenly.
  • Tendency to have long menstrual cycles.

advance of delivery

Causes of early delivery

The birth of the baby can be brought forward for different reasons without being able to determine which reasons were responsible. The advance or premature birth is characterized when it occurs before the thirty-seven weeks of gestation. This condition is very common, as millions of babies are born prematurely all over the world.

Among the main causes of premature birth are:

  • It happens most frequently in teenagers and women under the age of twenty in general.
  • Stress in particular situations or permanent state of stress.
  • Unhealthy habits such as tobacco and alcohol consumption.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta from violent causes or in the case of membrane infections. This process is the body’s reaction to protect the fetus from infection.
  • Considerable increase in normal amniotic fluid levels  through a process known as Hidramnios .
  • Inability to dilate the uterus properly due to malformation in the cavity.
  • It is frequent and natural in the case of twins and multiple pregnancies. Because space is insufficient to keep fetuses for a long time.

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