Being A Mother: Happiness Also Lives In Sacrifice

Those who sacrifice know how to love and surrender completely, regardless of how much it may cost them.
Being a mother: happiness also lives in sacrifice

Only those who understand what it means to feel, think, act and live for another person are sacrificed based on their well-being. But sacrifice, contrary to what some people think, does not cause problems or discomfort. When it’s true, it brings spiritual peace, well-being and ecstasy. Happiness also lives in sacrifice. Mothers know this.

What is the sacrifice of mothers?

Sacrifice is a human quality that only fits in the hearts of a few people. Not all of them can understand the greatness of sacrificing themselves for another human being with a smile on their lips, as if they were about to receive a great prize. That’s what children are to good mothers: a prize. But as not all are good fathers and mothers, some are immune to feeling such a feeling, which is impossible for them to understand.

live in sacrifice

It is said that selflessness and voluntary sacrifice can only be conceived by people who understand altruism, disinterest, nobility and love. That’s why mothers, real good mothers, are selfless. When a woman becomes pregnant and brings a baby into the world, she immediately becomes a new woman , full of strength, life, joy and hope. If before the sacrifice was unknown to her, every time she gives birth, all these good feelings blossom.

The sacrifice of mothers has no limits. They often renounce some interests, desires, beliefs and needs. But they do it without hesitation. Mothers are special beings who overcome the most difficult obstacles. There are no extreme circumstances when it comes to creating, giving love, protecting, educating…

If the future is bad, fair or bad, for them there will be no difference. Regardless of fate and if your child is involved, they will know how to build up courage and move on. Even when around you everything is complicated and people are pessimistic.

the happiness of mothers

Happiness is practically an innate quality of mothers. No one knows more about happiness than they do.

There are many people who spend their lives being unhappy and only achieve happiness at some point. For mothers this is quite different . They find happiness more easily. They reach this emotional state just by looking at their little one moving in the crib, lifting their little head, turning on their side, smiling, crying, sucking on the pacifier, babbling, winking, holding their toys, feeding, playing, running, sitting up, crawling, walking, holding a spoon, learning to drink from a cup, learning to speak, to say mother!

T udo what a child does for mothers is happiness in its purest form. The fact that you can put him in the crib, carry him, caress him, sing, smile, talk to him, nurse him, change the diaper, dress him… Everything that has to do with the baby is honey for the soul and the hearts of mothers.

live in sacrifice

Happiness also lives in sacrifice

Immediately after birth, or even long before a woman becomes pregnant, neural activity in the female brain begins to work for this new creature. Perhaps what was very important to the woman, with the pregnancy, is put to the background.

Soon the birth arrives and a beautiful girl or boy is born. Insomnia, physical fatigue, breast pain, discomfort in the caesarean section scar and the worry that never stops, on the other hand, generate such intense well-being and placidity that it overshadows many of the discomforts that the mother may experience. be feeling right now.

Professional and personal aspirations are put off as if they were just insignificant activities that can be left for another day. Because today the baby is what matters. Today, for the mother, there is only one priority: the baby. Only she knows what it’s like to stop and put other life issues aside for a while so that you can devote yourself fully to your child’s well-being.

One must have a very big heart and feel a very deep love to sleep and rest little, while always being attentive to the needs of another person.

Happiness also lives in sacrifice. Because, for a mother, even moments of sacrifice are happy moments.

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