Atypical, A Series That Gives Visibility To TEA

Are you looking for a series that represents the issue of Autistic Spectrum Disorder in a realistic way? Then Atypical is the series for you! We will talk about this production in this article.
Atypical, a series that gives visibility to the TEA

Atypical  is an original  Netflix series  that gives visibility to Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as it is a comedy drama that tells the daily life of Sam Gardner, an 18-year-old who presents ASD, and his family.

To write the adventures of this character, the creator of the series, Robia Rashid, had the help and advice of Michelle Dean, who worked in research and treatment of TEA at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). Thus, throughout the different episodes, an attempt is made  to address the issue of autism from the most realistic perspective possible.  

Atypical , a series that gives visibility to the TEA

Unlike other series starring people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Atypical  distances itself from stereotypes and topics that revolve around this disorder. And, instead, it shows the ordinary life of a young person with ASD who, because of his condition, needs to overcome certain challenges  and difficulties in his daily life.

Atypical, uma série que dá visibilidade para o TEA
© Weird Brain, Exhibit A, Sony Pictures Television

Thus, the series makes us see what first love is like, friendship relationships, family discussions, the search for one’s own identity, the struggle for personal independence, etc. In other words, certain  typical teenage situations are more complex and difficult for Sam to face.

Furthermore, this comedy with dramatic touches makes us reflect on the impact of the family on the development and well-being of people with ASD, and shows how the protagonist’s parents and younger sister relate to him.

Over the seasons of the series,  we can see how Sam grows, evolves and acquires new resources  and personal tools to deal with all the problems that appear in his life.

However, this character is not the only one who changes through the chapters. We can also see how your family, your girlfriend and your best friend are evolving after having lived different experiences.

How is Autistic Spectrum Disorder portrayed in the series?

As we know, ASD is a very heterogeneous disorder, in which each case is very different from the other in terms of the type and variety of symptoms presented. So, obviously,  this series is not intended to represent the broad spectrum of autism, but only a part of it: people with a higher level of functionality and less need for help.

Atypical, uma série que dá visibilidade para o TEA
© Weird Brain, Exhibit A, Sony Pictures Television

In this sense, it is worth highlighting the wonderful work carried out by Keir Gilchrist which, with his interpretation, perfectly reflects some of the most typical characteristics of people with ASD, such as mental rigidity, restricted and stereotyped behaviors, difficulties in terms of communication and social interaction, etc. All of this is conveyed in a fun and natural way.

Another virtue of this series is the fact that it deals with the issue of Autistic Spectrum Disorder as a condition that the person with it needs to live with, and  not as a disability that impedes their optimal development.

This is vitally important because, as the following sentence indicates, this is what many people are still unaware of. However, with series of this type, this view can change.

For all these reasons, it is considered that  Atypical  is a series that can be very useful for the general population to gain a more adjusted view of what Autism Spectrum Disorder is and how people who have it can be included. usually within society.

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