A Good Father Builds Bridges To His Child’s Heart, Not Walls

A good father is one who guides his child in the dark, who gives him a hand to hold whenever he needs it, wipes his tears and even cries with him so that he feels less pain.
A good father builds bridges to his child's heart, not walls

The role of a good father is to teach his son the good and the bad in life, to be his accomplice in every dream he has, to feed him, protect him, and give him all your love.

If you and your child are united by affection, attachment and mutual support, congratulations! That means you are a good parent.

Bridges of love for a child’s heart

A child’s heart doesn’t need much to beat faster. It’s easy to conquer and it’s big enough to house an entire country.

Building bridges of love into a child’s heart is one of the greatest works of engineering and also one of the simplest to build. To do this, just:

be patient in your teachings

Children need their teachers to be very patient when teaching. Not all children assimilate knowledge and learn at the same speed. What for some is a cakewalk for others can be very difficult.

Therefore, we must be ready to have maximum patience whenever the child needs, and from time to time, teach something.

Tying the shoelaces, picking up a spoon correctly, memorizing the colors, learning the numbers, combing the hair, peeing in the chamber pot… There are many skills and knowledge that a child must learn. You can’t want your child to master them all in an instant.

a good father

give love at all times

Every relationship you have with a child should be based on love. The affection that a human being receives in childhood will be translated into autonomy, self-confidence, emotional intelligence… Giving affection is not making your child weak, quite the contrary.

Caresses, kisses, hugs and even the ear-pullings you give your child will be a testament to how important he is in your life. It’s demonstrating how much you love him and how happy you are to have him by your side. He knows how to understand this message.

set limits

Boundaries and discipline are essential resources in a child’s education. However, the limits should not be mere blocks in your behavior. “This is not done because it is not done!”.

A child must understand the reason for everything. It is your duty to state what each of your actions entails and explain your reasons.

A good father builds bridges to his child’s heart, not walls

Dad, just as it is extremely easy to gain the affection of a child, it is also simple to lose it . There are many walls that can separate parents from their children. Distrust, lack of communication, intolerance, violence, disgust, alienation…

These huge concrete blocks are undoing the ties that nature itself has destined for both. Like indestructible walls, they stand between them and separate them, sometimes for life.

a good fatherSo our duty is to advise. We do this so that both you and your little one who waits for you to return every afternoon will enjoy the joy of having each other.

So dad:

  • Offer your child only the resources he needs to live. The others, teach him to conquer.
  • Praise for achievements and virtues, but also point out deficiencies.
  • Never compare him to other children or measure whether his achievements are better or worse than those of his peers.
  • Don’t demand more than he can give.
  • Give him confidence that he can discuss any topic, especially ones that are difficult for you. Keep in mind that if it’s hard for you, it must be even harder for him.
  • Spend as much time as you can. He knows you make a living to provide the best present and the most prosperous future. But understand that in addition to books, food, toys and medication, your child also needs many hours by your side.

It is important to understand that a good father must know how to open his heart and create a good solid foundation on which to build the foundations of a huge bridge. Over time, this bridge will reach your goal which is your child’s heart.

This bridge will mean an indestructible path of communication and exchange between the two sides. It will allow questions and concerns to immediately find a reliable channel for resolution. It will be a viaduct of teaching, delivery, security and infinite love.

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