Summer Children’s Moisturizing Diet

Discover the secrets of a hydrating diet for children in summer to prevent the heat from putting their health at risk.
Moisturizing Diet for Children in Summer

Did you know that fluid needs increase with heat or with physical exercise? Although it is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters a day, fluids are also found in food, so you can consume them while you eat. That’s why we recommend a hydrating diet for children in the summer, as they are more vulnerable to dehydration.

In addition, the body is made up of 60-75% water, so consuming it as your main drink is essential. In fact, it contains no calories and provides mineral salts. In fact, water is responsible for regulating body temperature and facilitating digestion. It also reduces appetite and caloric intake, which are essential for controlling overweight and obesity.

Do you want to know how to keep your kids well hydrated through food? Keep reading to find out.

Moisturizing Diet for Children in Summer

Moisturizing Diet for Children in Summer

water content of food

Did you know that fruits and vegetables contain 80-95% water? And yet, they are foods whose consumption is less than the recommended 5 servings a day. Furthermore, summer is precisely the season of the year for fruits and vegetables with the highest water content, such as watermelon, melon, asparagus and green leafy vegetables. That’s why it’s the ideal time to offer them to the little ones.

There are also dairy products, especially milk, followed by meat, fish and eggs. However, it should be noted that the water content decreases or increases with cooking, depending on the type of food. For example, legumes need pre-soaking and therefore range from 7-10% to 70-80%. On the other hand, the content is lower in roasted or grilled fish than in raw fish.

Moisturizing drinks for children

As we mentioned before, water is the fundamental drink for children and its consumption depends on thirst. Sometimes it is rejected for lack of flavor, but there is a solution. Do you want to know how? A few drops of the juice of certain citrus fruits, herbs and infusions can be added. In addition, you can also add slices of fresh fruit and vegetables and let them sit for a few hours in the fridge. Now you can enjoy a homemade drink!

With regard to soft drinks, it is recommended to reduce their consumption, as they provide only sugar or sweetener and, although it is difficult to understand, they dehydrate. They are usually accompanied by other products, such as snacks and sweets, so they become a calorie bomb.

Other useful beverages are milk and vegetable drinks, which are often the second choice of children in the household, according to the DONALD study. They have the advantage of being rich in calcium and vitamin D. In relation to vegetable drinks, which are milk substitutes, it is important to know that up to the age of one year they are not recommended (with the exception of the rice drink, as it is a source of arsenic).

Another advantage of milk is that you can make lots of smoothies by adding fruit and mashing it. You can even complement it with some oilseeds and seeds, or flavor it with cinnamon and cocoa powder. They are great options as they provide children with energy after playing in the park.

Moisturizing Diet for Children in Summer

Finally, there is a dilemma with juices: which is better, natural or boxed? What is clear is that they are not equivalent to a fruit, as the fiber has been removed making the sugar absorption faster. That’s why dietitians and nutritionists recommend drinking juice from time to time and giving priority to fresh, whole fruit, regardless of whether the juices are made at home or purchased. Even if they are sold as “no added sugar”, they have the same effect.

Example of a moisturizing diet for children in summer

  • Breakfast. A glass of milk or oat drink with cocoa powder without added sugar + a natural yoghurt with berries (fresh blueberries and chopped strawberries) and cinnamon.
  • Morning snack (if hungry). Peanut cream sandwich and banana slices.
  • Lunch. Quinoa, lentils, tomato, avocado and carrot salad + 3 apricots. Accompanied by a homemade water refreshment with peach, lemon and thyme.
  • Snack. 2 wholegrain toast with hummus.
  • Dinner. 1 bowl of gazpacho (cold tomato soup) with pieces of vegetables and toast + cheese omelet + watermelon with lime and mint.

Tips to Prevent Children from Dehydration in Summer

In summary, children are more vulnerable to dehydration in summer due to high temperatures. Therefore, it is important that fruits and vegetables, as well as water, are present in the daily lives of children, from an early age, and as part of a hydrating diet in the summer.

As a prevention, it is recommended that the little ones drink water throughout the day and try to stay in a cool place during the hours of strong sun. They should also protect themselves with a cap or hat.

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