8 Details That Mean A Lot To Your Kids

When you have children there is the establishment of a unique bond with them and even if there are times when difficulties arise, other details, however small they may seem, mean a lot to your children and can only come from you.

You must know that children are very analytical within their innocence and constant activity.  They pay attention to most of the things you do for them, but they also notice what you don’t do and that can affect your mood.

The value of small details

There are things that for us adults are not very important, but for children they are fundamental and  can be great reasons for happiness or sadness depending on the context.

There are many ways to show love to those who matter to us, such as love towards our children, and one of those ways is the language of the little details that with children are much more important and meaningful, not only at the moment, but also for your whole life.

8. Simple details to make your kids happy

1. Use the gifts he gives you in public.  Children are creative from an early age due to multiple factors. And this creativity is manifested when they make cards or accessories for everyday use. They create these objects with all the love and the least you should do is treasure them and use them when possible.

2. Dance with them.  The  active breaks, important to us, adults  are much more important to them. Take a break from your activities and dance with them, sing and become a child too.

3. Leave affectionate notes and surprises from time to time. If there’s one thing most of our kids like, it’s surprises. And what’s better than an unexpected note from the parents reminding them how much we love them. They love it!

4. Have a special day just for them in the week.  You don’t have to separate the day on the calendar that will be dedicated only to them, as obligations and occupations do not always allow you to keep this time; in the meantime, a day or an afternoon of movies and popcorn your child’s behavior with you and with the rest of the people.

5. Show enthusiasm and interest in what he likes.  When your child comes in and tells you about something he discovered or did during the day, it doesn’t matter what mood or fatigue he is. Try to pay attention, listen to him and ask questions about what he is telling you so he will know  you have your support and interest whenever he wants to share something. And so a relationship of trust is built.

6. Create a catchphrase or motto for your family and ask your child for help.  A slogan is related to cartoons, teamwork and fun, and  if, in addition, you ask your children for help, they will feel even more important  and will see that the bond that unites them is the strongest emotional bond they have.

Happy Family

7. Let them choose the clothes they wear. C onfie in their children, do not put limits on certain things for them to see that you trust your tastes and preferences regarding fashion, for example. So they can create their personality with you by their side. With just a few pointers, let them pick something they like and age-appropriate.

8. Ask your children something you don’t know how to do. It  does n’t matter if in reality you already know how to perform certain activities that they find it easy to do. Asking for help makes them feel intelligent and capable of transmitting knowledge and more than that, sharing this knowledge with others while retaining patience and humility.

As you’ve seen, there are many details that don’t take much effort for your children to see how much they are loved and for their bonds to routinely strengthen. You will notice that your relationship with them is much closer, friendly and lasting, which will be of fundamental importance when they reach their teens.

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