8 Tips To Help You Be A Better Mom – I’m A Mom

Everything is in the attitude, in the way we face the day to day. Here are some tips for being a better mother.
8 tips to help you be a better mother

All mothers do their best to be good mothers and even try to be nice to their children . However , some are not very successful in this task.

Possibly, this happens because they assume this role in a forced way. So how to be a better mom?

8 tips to be a better mom

Stop blaming yourself for not getting everything

The concept of the super-powerful mother, who achieves and achieves everything, is simply wrong.

You know a perfect mother doesn’t exist, so why do you intend to be like that?

If there’s any way to be a better mother, it certainly won’t be blaming yourself.

On the contrary, keep trying to make things as good as possible, but not demanding more than you know you can give. Don’t be sorry if you fail at something.

don’t be so strict and severe

Being too severe about everything can be stressful. Of course it’s good to establish routines and schedules.

However, you need to leave some margin for error and play with it a little so that the schedule doesn’t turn into something that leaves you tied up or in agony if you can’t keep it.

For example, it’s great to try to develop a healthier diet for your kids. But sometimes you can (and should) indulge yourself.

If you are strict about everything, you run the risk that your children will end up being that way too.

Don’t be rigid with school grades.

Wanting your kids to always be the best, to get the best grades, to know how to play instruments and play a thousand sports, is also stressful.

If your child is good at math but not so good at English, you have to make him understand that it’s possible for him to get a 10 in one subject, but in the other a 5 or 6.

Being hardworking is good. However, it’s also good that you know your children’s limits and capabilities. Everyone is better at some activities than others.

That’s why it’s good to know what your kids do well to get the most out of themselves.

be a better mother

leave appearances aside

Have you ever noticed how stressful it is to be pretending all the time? It’s okay to listen to advice. However, you must always have the last word.

Don’t base your decisions on “what others will say.” Nobody is perfect and neither are their children. So there is no need to live in a drama.

don’t compare with others

It’s common to see parents worried because their child and the neighbor’s are the same age and the neighbor’s already does this and that and their child doesn’t.

And that doesn’t just apply to children. But yes to any kind of comparison.

We all act and live our lives differently, with our own rhythms and ups and downs.

It’s not good to compare yourself or live wanting to have the life of those next to you. Always live here and now.

don’t leave yourself aside

When you have a child, society recognizes you as a parent.

However, you as a person are still you: a unique person, with your likes, afflictions and interests.

There is no need to renounce everything you were before. This makes no sense.

It’s great to take an hour of gymnastics to distract yourself and get healthy, so you can spend an amazing afternoon with your kids.

It can be any kind of fun, from taking a walk to going to the hairdresser, reading a good book, going to a yoga class. Anyway, everything helps.

be a better mother

Also, don’t neglect the couple’s relationship. It’s a huge mistake not to reserve time for both of them.

The day-to-day work, after the house is tidy, children and homework leave little time to talk, look in the eyes and have a little fun. You must have at least one date like this a month.

don’t give in at all

Children are like a sponge: what they learn from an early age is difficult to correct later.

If your children don’t ask for things, but demand them, be very careful.

There is a need to set limits and know how to say “no” to certain things.

It’s healthy for them to learn to ask for things with a “please” and say thank you later. Also, they must understand that sometimes you can’t have everything you want.

Give them quality time.

Stay away from distractions such as the cell phone or television and take time to read a story, put together a puzzle, play or have dinner in a quiet way and talk about each other’s day and what they did.

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