What Do I Do If My Child Doesn’t Want To Go To School

What do I do if my child doesn't want to go to school

For some families, going to school represents a great daily challenge, because when a child does not want to go to school, it is usually a difficult situation to be managed by both parents and teachers.

If this is the situation in your home, pay attention to the next topics.

Remember when this behavior appeared

If your child went to school happily and from one day onwards he didn’t want to go anymore, pay attention to this, as it could be a sign that something happened. Talk to him and try to find out what happened; make him feel at ease and let him know you’ll be there for whatever he needs. You should also go to school and talk to the teacher, psychologist and principal if you think it’s relevant. Never underestimate the rejection of a happy and independent child to go somewhere, much less if this denial has suddenly appeared.

matter of laziness

If it’s a Monday and your child wakes up a little lazy and doesn’t want to go to school, there’s no way he’ll have to deal with Mondays. Also pay attention when he goes to sleep every night, because he doesn’t sleep well, the next day it will be difficult to get up in the morning.

My child doesn't want to go to school, what do I do?

Also observe the conditions of your room to ensure a real rest at night: noises, lighting, temperature, bed conditions, pajamas, etc… Pay attention to your breathing, some children with nasal septum deviation or congestion breathe poorly, and so they don’t rest properly.

Observe your child’s behavior in other environments

If your child also finds it difficult to go elsewhere because he is without his parents, then the problem may not be the school, but the child itself. If your child doesn’t want to go to school, but also cries to stay at grandma’s house, or at a friend’s house, or on a birthday which are usually places where children enjoy and have fun, it could be that your child is a child insecure and shy. Use some strategies to make you a self-assured child and observe the results.

Get in touch with other high school moms

Talk to other mothers, as it is always good to know if all the children are comfortable in school or if there is a specific situation that is affecting all the children, or a group of them. If your child refused to say what happens, you can have a little more information and know if something happened.

Have good communication with your child

In a home where there is good communication, children feel secure in their parents’ affection and support. In these circumstances they will be able to ask for help or tell about difficult situations they are going through, and that way you will know why they do not want to go to school. Listen to them with empathy, believe their words, don’t underestimate their difficulties, which for you may be nonsense, could mean a great deal to him.

My child doesn't want to go to school, what do I do?

Pay attention to health problems

Another sign that something really goes wrong in high school is the appearance of sudden illnesses such as fevers, diarrhea, stomach pains or headaches. If your child constantly complains of discomfort, see your pediatrician and try to find out if it is really a physical problem or an emotional problem.

Watch your games and your drawings

Children often reproduce their reality in games and drawings. Observe when he plays with dolls, listen to the dialogues and pay attention to the situation he is playing in the game.

Something similar happens with the drawings, allow him to express himself freely, then see if there is anything in them that might indicate why he doesn’t want to go to school.

Seek expert help if your child doesn’t want to go to school

Certainly every mother knows her child and surely all these recommendations that we have indicated added to your maternal intuition can clarify if your child is going through a real difficulty. Don’t underestimate him, imagine what it means to be for 6 or 8 hours straight in a place that for some reason makes you feel bad. Now imagine going through this every day.

If your child doesn’t want to go to school and you’re sure or just suspect he’s not comfortable, get help from a psychologist who can help him get stronger, and have the tools to defend himself or let him know what. is really happening.

Ask the school supervisors for help, as they are there to help you and to ensure your child’s full development.

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