What You Should Know About Zinc And Children’s Diet

An adequate supply of zinc ensures differentiation of cells from the white series, which improves immune function and prevents viral diseases in children.
What You Should Know About Zinc and Children's Diet

Zinc is an essential mineral for the human body. It performs many functions within the body and it is important to ensure that your daily needs are met. Although it is not common to have a deficiency of this mineral, this situation can harm your health, which is why zinc is so important in children’s diets.

Before starting, it is necessary to make clear the importance of ensuring that the levels of micronutrients in the human body are optimal. They can be found in almost all foods and play key roles in the context of human physiology.

The Importance of Zinc in Children’s Diet

Children have an immature, still developing immune system. Therefore, it is common for them to get sick when they come into contact with schoolmates. However, this risk can be minimized through the diet, including the best foods.

Zinc-rich foods for children's diet.

Zinc, in particular, is an element that has been shown to be fundamental for the functioning of the immune system. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients , it contributes to the differentiation of cells from the white series, responsible for combating pathogens.

It is a nutrient that works in synergy with vitamin C, which is also needed to protect the body against virus and bacterial attacks. If the consumption of both substances is optimal, the risk of falling ill is significantly reduced. Furthermore, the duration of viral processes decreases.

Zinc to Treat Bowel Problems

One of the common ailments in children, even more dangerous in babies, is diarrhea. This problem can lead to dehydration, often leading to hospitalization. The reasons for diarrhea can be diverse, but it is a condition that can be prevented and ideally managed.

According to research published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , supplementing with zinc or maintaining adequate levels of the nutrient can stop diarrhea and prevent complications. Obviously, the causative element will have to be studied, but the nutrient is able to provide simpler control.

It is important, therefore, to ensure the presence of zinc in the diet to reduce the risk of developing gastrointestinal disorders that could put the child’s health at risk. Likewise, a supplement of probiotics can help especially sensitive children.

Where to find zinc?

Supplementation is a possible way to obtain zinc, but it is not preferred by experts. Ideally, introduce nutrient-rich foods into the diet to ensure optimal levels.

As a general rule, meats have high concentrations of zinc. Both red and white meat are a good source of the mineral. The same goes for seafood and eggs. In addition, they provide iron, another essential element to ensure a good state of energy for the child.

In the plant foods section, you can find significant amounts of zinc in seeds, in some oilseeds like walnuts, in wheat germ and in certain legumes like beans.

In this sense, it is advisable to propose a diet as varied as possible, since there are many sources of zinc that can be consumed. By expanding the spectrum of foods eaten, it will be very difficult to have a mineral deficiency. However, its supplementation under certain circumstances can be beneficial.

Zinc-rich foods.

Zinc, a fundamental mineral in children’s diet

As mentioned, zinc is important in children to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases in them. This way, the immune system will be able to develop properly and the body will be less vulnerable to infections. In the medium term, it represents a great gain in terms of health.

In addition, it can be used as a supplement in cases of diarrhea, to stop the problem and prevent a progression that could potentially lead to dehydration. These cases usually end in a hospital stay, negatively conditioning the functioning of the child’s body. The ideal is prevention.

Finally, remember that suffering from zinc deficiency on a varied diet is infrequent. Supplementation with the nutrient is generally not necessary if foods of animal origin are consumed with some frequency.

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