5 Tips To Enjoy Motherhood

We often have an unrealistic idea of ​​what motherhood is. See, in this article, some tips to enjoy your motherhood.
5 tips to enjoy your motherhood

Photographs from magazines, websites, blogs, social networks or comments from other mothers may have helped us to create this image of motherhood as continuous happiness.

But once we become mothers, we realize that it is a way to go and that we will have good times and bad times. So, enjoying motherhood, sometimes, becomes something complicated.

Tips to enjoy your motherhood every day

Although not everything is perfect, we have to try to enjoy our motherhood as much as possible. Therefore, we will talk about these five tips that will help you enjoy your motherhood. Some days you will be successful and some days you will not. But, for sure, these tips will help you to live motherhood in a more peaceful way.

accept that you are not perfect

From day one, you will want everything to be perfect. But it is necessary to be aware that motherhood, in a way, is a sequence of obstacles. One day the children will eat well and the next they won’t. One day they will sleep well, the next they will sleep poorly. Every day will be different, don’t doubt that.

There will also be days when you feel strong enough to fight them all. But in others you will feel tired. So don’t beat yourself up if one day things don’t go as expected, it’s normal. Surely, tomorrow you will have forgotten and you will have other worries. Remember that motherhood is a daily journey.

Don’t always want to be a “supermom” because you’re not. Sometimes the baby food will go wrong and sometimes you will forget to buy the diapers. Don’t worry, it happens to all mothers. Also, if you need it, ask your family or friends for help. For sure, everyone will be happy to lend you a hand, especially in the first few weeks. Most likely, they are even already waiting to help you.

enjoy your motherhood

learn to appreciate the little things

Motherhood is not a state of continual happiness, and just like in life, there are wonderful days and not-so-great days. So, the best thing is to enjoy this universe of little things that we have been through throughout the day: a walk in the park, a picnic with our friends from the nursery, a fun game with Mom… If you focus on the little things, for sure you will enjoy your motherhood every day.

forget the things around you

We mothers have a special instinct to be able to face motherhood. But sometimes we have a lot of doubts and insecurities in our daily lives. These are increased when someone around us asks us questions about whether the baby is still not eating alone with a spoon or whether he is not yet walking, for example, comparing him to other children. Avoid this circle from day one.

Each child has its own rhythm and its own evolution. There are children who do not crawl, children who want to chew at eight months. There are many children who do not follow pre-programmed schedules. Motherhood is not a competition, but a path. Do not forget that.

You also have to learn to ignore some comments and criticisms that not only don’t provide any help, but that overwhelm you. Learn to differentiate what can help you and what can’t. Get out of this circle from day one and you will see how to enjoy your motherhood more each day.

enjoy your motherhood

Enjoy your children’s childhood

Since they are newborns, we have to enjoy time with our children. Try to let him know from day one how important he is to you and that you love him with all your heart. Hold him, hug him, pamper him, even if you’re told not to because he’ll get used to it. By doing this, you will establish a lifelong bond with him.

make time for yourself

While motherhood is certainly the best thing that has happened in your life, don’t forget about yourself. You will definitely find half an hour to take care of your body or your hair, to talk and go out with your friends, to dedicate your free time to what you like most, like watching TV series or reading. Think that being a mother you do not stop being yourself and still have many dreams and projects.

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