What Does Shared Custody Mean?

In the face of a divorce, what dissolves is the relationship between a couple; however, the role of father and mother is for life. Children should enjoy their parents equally. Therefore, shared custody of children is the most recommended option in case of separation.
What does shared custody mean?

One of the most difficult moments for a couple is when there is no longer any way out for the continuity of the relationship and thus a divorce is decided .  This turns out to be even more complicated for children, who would like to see their parents together forever.

Since they are not responsible for the situation, we must face this difficult decision with great responsibility, preventing the children from suffering too much at this complicated time. For this reason,  shared custody is considered the best option.

Learn all about this legal agreement that will define a new family relationship.

What does shared custody mean?

It is a   legal agreement whereby both parents, when they are no longer married, will be equally responsible for the care of the children . This includes sharing children’s time, obligations and rights. In this document it is determined that the maintenance charges are the responsibility of both.

Normally, at the time of separation, it is customary for the children to be taken care of by the mother and a visiting regime for the father is established. Situation that is not beneficial to the child, because it does not allow  her to receive the necessary attention from the father, due to the short time allotted for these visits.

In shared custody, the child is allowed to spend the same amount of time with both the mother and the father. In this way, neither party feels harmed, the periods of coexistence are established according to each family .  It can be seasons, months, weeks or even alternate days between parents.

child thinking about the separation of his parents

What does it take to obtain joint custody?

Some experts believe that shared custody causes less trauma for children, as the figure of neither parent disappears from their everyday lives. It is regrettable that this type of measure cannot be applied in all cases, as it is necessary  for parents to have an excellent relationship with  each other so that shared custody can be applied .

In addition, parents must live close to each other, unless the coexistence agreement is determined for a period longer than one month.

The law cannot provide for all the unforeseen events, much less a judge can determine every detail of the life of a couple who are separating .  It is theoretically necessary that the child’s well-being be determined in agreement with the parents.

Another way to objectively view this legal procedure is that joint custody does not begin with the signing of the divorce. It actually started when the couple decided that it was time to be parents. At that moment, both decided to bring a living being into the world and jointly share the responsibility of being parents.

Therefore,  the joint custody agreement should not bring any major complications when you both agree that it will be better  for your children.

Advantages of opting for shared custody

Not everything needs to be negative after making the divorce decision. Shared custody also has a number of advantages:

  • The child’s right to maintain continuous contact with both parents will be respected.
  • Respect the emotional need to have a father figure and a mother figure.
  • It demonstrates that the decision favors a better relationship than the one they had when they lived together.
  • Avoid putting the minor in a loyalty conflict of having to choose between a parent.
  • Prevents the appearance of a possible feeling of guilt in children.
  • Improves communication between parents.
  • The figure of a dominant parent in relation to the other is not visible.
  • It results in a clearer attitude for children to accept and understand the separation.
  • The father’s distance from the children is avoided.

couple talking in the room

Disadvantages of opting for shared custody

Among the main disadvantages we can mention:

  • The process of adapting to living in two different houses at the same time.
  • In each of the houses, everything necessary should be done to provide everything the child needs.
  • Organize routines, as it is difficult to maintain them when you are apart.
  • Pay special attention to the child’s schedule and habits. This requires good communication between parents so as not to change schedules, as this can cause emotional instability in children.

It is necessary that, despite all your pain for the breakup of the relationship, you must strive to have a good communication with your ex-partner or your ex-partner.

Just because the relationship hasn’t been successful doesn’t mean you can’t be the best parents for your kids.  Shared custody will bring great benefits to everyone and thus you will be able to face this situation much better.

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