Being A Mother At Age 40

Being a mother at 40 years old

It is increasingly common for women to postpone their decision to become pregnant until the age of 40. The reasons are many. As well as the advantages and disadvantages of prolonging the decision to be a mother.

To the development and professional and economic growth are added the personal decisions to guarantee the financial conditions of the family, and to enjoy the youth. Feeling fulfilled and having life experience, from then on, women feel prepared to deal with other issues such as the family.

There is no inconvenience for women who decide to have children at 40 years of age. The ideal moment depends on how each one feels and takes care of her body and her health.

Currently, economic achievements and professional competitiveness force women to postpone motherhood.

The ideal age depends on your personal goals

Previously, having kids at age 40 was scary. But today, late motherhood is the new trend. By age 40, women are more careful and more self-assured. In addition, the children of women over 40 years of age have greater physical and emotional health due to greater care from their mothers during pregnancy.

Generally, women who tend to postpone motherhood are those who had good times in the professional sphere at age 30, or who established a successful teenage life plan. After reaching these goals, the woman will seek family success through the birth of her first child.

According to the Spanish Statistical Institute, 33% of births are performed in women over 34 years of age and approximately 5% of Spanish women become mothers from the age of 40 onwards. Experts, on the other hand, claim that the ideal biological age to be a mother is between 18 and 35 years.


Risks of having children at age 40

The World Health Organization considers that every pregnancy of women over 35 should be considered a high-risk pregnancy because of the problems associated with late pregnancy.

The number of women who have children over 40 has quadrupled in the last 30 years. As there are possible risks of late pregnancy, the Ministry of Health of Spain has a guide for the prevention of risks of birth defects.

At 40 years of age it is more difficult to get pregnant, as the number of eggs has decreased. For this reason, experts advise treatments to get pregnant, such as egg donation, which allows you to have children even after 60 years.

The mother’s age is a risk factor for:

  • Abortion
  • premature births
  • Bad formation
  • Chromosomal anomalies in children (such as Down syndrome)
  • Hypertension and gestational diabetes in the mother

However, the monitoring of pregnancy is more rigorous and medical advances make it possible to identify abnormalities or malformations in the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy or even before it. If the mother maintains strict care during the pregnancy the risks will decrease and the natural process will be completed with a happy and successful birth.


Advantages of being a mother at 40 years old

Whether you are a businesswoman, a sportswoman who has a healthy lifestyle or a modern woman, you certainly consider that pregnancy is a time that requires great responsibility and dedication. So, you probably think it’s best to leave the pregnancy until you’re about to turn 40.

The advantages of extending the pregnancy to 40 years of age are that the woman will be more mature and will have a greater sense of responsibility. Besides, the career will be stabilized, as well as the love life. At 40 years of age, women generally know how to handle their autonomy and freedom responsibly. If the biological clock of pregnancy is no longer working, that’s fine. Today’s medical science can help with options for fertilization.

After overcoming the economic constraints of youth and developing a successful career, being a mother at age 40 turns out to be the ideal option. You will have a better economic situation and you will have more quality time to spend and share with the children.

If you are 40 years old and pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, remember that you have to prepare your body to receive a child, take better care of your health and weight, and not smoke for your own good, and the baby’s.

Whatever time you decide, with or without assisted reproduction, being a mother is a blessing. See this list of famous people we have prepared for you to take as an example:

They are mothers at 40 and are still as beautiful and healthy as ever

  • Salma Hayek: She had her daughter when she was 41 years old.
  • Nicole Kidman: had her daughter at age 41.
  • Julia Roberts: had twins at age 40.
  • Halle Berry: She was a mother at age 40.
  • Thalia: had her second child at age 40.

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