5 Things You Shouldn’t Miss Being A Mom

5 things you shouldn't miss as a mother

Many women have neglected their personal lives because they are mothers. In some cases, they use this fact as a pretext, and other women end up feeling some guilt. There are also cases in which the mothers’ work forces them to put their own lives in the background, even if it is not extremely necessary at the moment. 5 things you shouldn’t miss as a mother

Certainly, many things change in a woman’s life when motherhood arrives. But there are ways to balance these changes to try to establish a better life. Even when we know that we, mothers, complement the fact of taking care of our family, it is necessary to take time to reflect on our condition as women.

In this sense, even if it seems repetitive, the value of being a woman is not lost at any point in life. It is our duty to start valuing ourselves and transforming everything that causes us discomfort and that does not allow us to grow as a person.

Caring for the family takes time and takes a lot of the energy we need. But this is something that with organization and will can be transformed so that it is beneficial to us. So there are at least five ways to break out of those ruts that don’t do us any good, and start doing things you shouldn’t do because you’re a mother.

What should you not do for being a mother?

1.- Taking care of your appearance

Each person has a style that defines them. How we dress, what accessories we wear, how we hold our hair, or how we show we’re dressed up. You can vary this style, but keep your particulars. Therefore, when you change radically, it can cause some surprise in those people who know you and who were used to someone else.


It is common for a woman to change her physical appearance when she becomes a mother. In this case, she usually starts to change her usual style, alleging lack of time. Overweight and lack of care are quickly perceived and motherhood is the main pretext.

You shouldn’t do this because you have to make time in any way you can. Well, if we want to do something, we find a way. No one will judge you unless you can’t strike a balance between caring for yourself and caring for your child.

2.- Share moments with your partner or look for one

In the case of single mothers, it is common for the dedication to the child to be exclusive. Thus, there is no time left to relate sentimentally with someone. But those mothers who have a partner sometimes neglect the relationship due to their new occupation as a mother.

This is one of the things we should avoid because the couple’s relationship is important to ensure a sense of self-confidence. It also allows us to feel loved, that we have someone who is our friend and with whom we feel good.


Also, avoid the stress of motherhood to make you distressed. For this, it is important to go out from time to time and have romantic moments that increase our self-esteem and our desire to feel good.

3.- Make time for the things you like

We mothers spend several hours a day watching children’s programs, listening to songs that children like, reading books and arranging children’s games. It doesn’t let us have time to do the things we like, and we usually get used to it.

This routine increases the boredom and disappointment that sometimes invades us. Therefore, we should not stop doing those things that make us feel good. In this sense, it is recommended to establish a time to watch our programs, listen to our music and do something that gives us pleasure. This is something that should be part of the coexistence rules.

4.- Take care of your health

It is quite common for us, mothers, to find excuses not to do things that are important to us, such as taking care of our health. Rescheduling a doctor’s appointment because worries prevent us from going can cause an even bigger problem.

In this aspect, it is necessary to reflect on the need to be well in order to take care of our family. If you think that your health is not so important to leave the maternity hospital for a few hours, think that if you get sick you will have to go away for even longer. The best you can do for your children is to take care of yourself.

5.- See friends

Meeting with friends in less childlike contexts is recommended for all mothers who neglected themselves to take care of their families. Some mothers tend to meet their friends frequently while their respective children play. This makes you miss out on those friends who don’t have kids.

Hanging out with friends and getting together once in a while with adults can be very good strategies for releasing accumulated stress or changing the scene. Having moments when motherhood is not the focus can also help us to think differently, and to relax a bit from our routine.

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