Nodules And Polyps On Vocal Cords

What are vocal cord nodules and polyps? They can be considered laryngeal lesions with different origins. The habits in which the throat is forced can be the main causes of this type of problem.
Nodules and polyps on the vocal cords

Nodules and polyps on the vocal cords are considered frequent lesions of the larynx. Organic in character, they grow as a benign thickening on the edges of the strings.

Lesions can have different origins. In most cases, features, diagnosis, and treatment are similar.

In the case of polyps, they are larger than nodules, with a noticeable blood vessel on their surface. Among its causes is the excessive use of the speech device, although there are other reasons.

Hypothyroidism, chronic allergic reactions in the larynx, cigarette smoke or other frequently inhaled toxic fumes  are some of the most common causes of polyps.

As for the nodules, the “misuse” of the vocal cords is the main reason for their appearance. A person who sings by straining their throat may have nodules and polyps on their vocal cords. The same goes for those who teach in classrooms with many students, forcing their voices to be heard.

People prone to have vocal cord nodules and polyps

First,  all people who use their voice as a work tool tend to develop vocal cord nodules and polyps. From telephone operators to singers, actors, people used to giving lectures and teachers, even street vendors.

Even people with low degrees of deafness can get used to raising their voice a lot; causing injuries. Anything that involves straining the voice can be the source of nodules and polyps.

In any case, the formation of these lesions  usually affects women between 20 and 45 years of age. As far as children are concerned, there are few cases, which occur when the child screams excessively and in very loud tones.

In any case,  vocal cord nodules and polyps are, in all cases, benign in nature. It is, roughly speaking , an inflammation of the edges of the vocal cords, in which they close when a person speaks.

These small wounds caused by irritation tend to disappear after a while if the most appropriate treatment is applied to each case.

girl with vocal cord problem

Symptoms that indicate the presence of nodules and polyps on the vocal cords

The most frequent symptom is  vocal fatigue and a whole range of distinguishing signs in speech. The voice becomes porous and brittle.

In addition, there is insufficient air when exhaling, which does not allow for medium or long sentences. In these cases, it is a chronic dysphonia.

Furthermore, the presence of this inflammation causes coughing, dryness, muscle tension in the neck region, discomfort and even pain. 

The intensity of the case will be defined by a good diagnosis from the otolaryngologist. From there, it goes on to the specific treatment.

Evaluation and diagnosis of vocal cord polyps and nodules

Dysphonia often occurs after an intense day and then disappears. So, when should we consult the specialist to find out if there are vocal cord injuries? In fact, hoarseness must exceed two or three weeks to cause alarm.

If consultation is necessary, the professional will assess the degree of dysphonia through various procedures. The first is voice quality analysis. A speech therapist is able to assess, depending on the type of hoarseness, whether or not the lesions require treatment.

The second procedure is direct observation or laryngoscopy. For this, the professional will use a mirror or a laryngoscope.

It may also  happen that the doctor sees signs that require a biopsy. Biopsy is performed, if necessary, to rule out possible cancers. In these cases, the study is called microlaryngoscopy.

boy with throat problem

Frequent treatments for vocal cord nodules and polyps

Surgical interventions are the last resort when it comes to these types of injuries. Only if these conditions in the throat are very large and have been around for a long time, are they removed by surgery.

Instead, an  attempt is made to decipher the first causes of the appearance of nodules and polyps.

Regardless of whether it is a glandular (hypothyroidism), gastric (reflux) or allergic problem, the otolaryngologist will refer your patients to the corresponding specialists.

On the other hand,  the most expected measure to alleviate, prevent and cure vocal cord nodules and polyps is the treatment of vocal re-education.

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