7 Reasons Why I Now Understand My Mom

There are many reasons why becoming a mother, little by little, makes us better understand our mother, her advice and her attitude towards life.
7 reasons why I now understand my mom

A lot of things change when we become a mother. It doesn’t just change our lifestyle and body, but also our mindset.

A recommendation is always welcome when preparing to have a baby. But usually Mom’s or Grandmother’s are the best. They are women who dedicated their lives to their children and transmitted a message of love for many generations.

Understanding them means feeling like them and even following their advice to the letter,  thanking them for their dedication and for the opportunity they gave us to improve our lives and those of our children. While there are many reasons why I understand my mom, today I’m going to summarize it in seven topics.

1. A sacrificed mother

The main reason is that I now know the reasons for making the sacrifice of exchanging your life for mine. The long hours of waiting for my arrival are priceless, so many sleepless nights, a lot of cravings, nausea and malaise.

The physical changes she had to adapt to, the pain of giving birth. All of this represents for me the first of many reasons to admire her. This courage to take on so many responsibilities makes me feel confident that I have enough support on the path I have to travel.

I understand my mother

2. The need for protection

Having our first baby in our arms makes us feel an immense need to always protect him, to give him love, to hope that nothing hurts him. It also makes us afraid of reality because at some point we will hear him cry without knowing how to help.

Somehow, maturity as a mother comes from understanding that we cannot avoid crying. But that we can comfort when it is within our reach because this is a fundamental part of motherhood.

3. A more understandable love

I can understand the immense love my mother has for me. But now I can enjoy every moment I spend with her, this desire that everything is okay in my life, that I achieve everything I set out to do, put everything in my favor and also teach me to deserve it.

Maybe sometimes a mother can’t describe all this affection in one word. But surely you will try to show this throughout your life, tolerating, hoping and giving your best.

4. The intolerance of criticism

Every time someone makes any criticisms or suggestions about your child, whether it’s their behavior or how you should act in certain situations, you often don’t know how to react. That’s when you start thinking about the things your mother had to improve in her education, how many pranks you played that you remember like it was yesterday and with the same emotion.

But it also makes you understand that these are things you prefer not to hear. No mother is happy that her children are criticized, that someone stranger is giving her advice on what to do about the children.

I understand my mother

5. An endless effort

Strive for the well-being of children, making them people with values, good habits and principles. All this effort never ends. It remains intact over time despite the difficulties that need to be overcome in order to achieve the desired results.

Now I understand that my mother had to shed many tears in silence, how much she had to bear, how many things upset her without the children knowing.

Today, I understand more than ever that just seeing our children happy makes it all worthwhile and that the suffering is bearable.

6. The breeding advice

Now I can reflect with more experience what my mother told me about being a mother. A mother is right. It is important to know how to listen to her and, above all, put her advice into practice.

We must know how to deal with each type of character, with opposing personalities, with rebellion and painful situations. It is in these situations where the role of mother is reinforced. Only a mother knows the effort it takes to raise her children, mold their character, accept their flaws and see themselves reflected in them to improve their own attitudes.

7. The strict attitude

Now I understand why my mom cared so much about me. I understand why he made sure I was always in his sight, his connections and the joy of seeing me return home safe and sound. Her warnings now make more sense and I share all her anxiety about not knowing about me or about my rebellious moments.

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