Don’t Do For Others What You Don’t Want Them To Do For You

Don’t do for others what you don’t want them to do for you. It’s simple advice, but one we should all keep in mind. Let’s review its deep meaning.
Don't do for others what you don't want them to do for you

“Don’t do for others what you don’t want them to do for you” is a phrase that has been instilled in us since we started to use reason. Some say that it was Confucius who said it for the first time; others that it is in a verse in the Bible. The truth is that from this phrase a golden rule is born, from which moral, ethical and legal codes emerge.

Even human rights took it to act in accordance with its principles. Some see as superficial the rule of not doing for others what you don’t want them to do for you, but this rule basically consists of respect for others.

Do we apply this theory in our daily life?

If we asked ourselves a question like that without looking closely, we would answer yes. However, when we meditate a little about what it really means and objectively evaluate our way of acting, we find that we often do the opposite.

An example of this occurs when we are in a very long line and we have little time, but someone in front of us neglects and we take his place ; we will solve our lack of time in this way, regardless of the respect and rights of the other person. In this example, we see something that, if we were the ones affected, we would reproach the person and even criticize him angrily.

Unfortunately, this has become a repetitive and common behavior among people. With our actions, we almost always try to trample on the other’s rights, values ​​and feelings ; as a result, we end up doing what we don’t like to be done to us.

Respect must be instilled in children

Not doing what you don’t want them to do to you: a matter of respect

What is respect? Respect is a value that we must cultivate from within the family nucleus and that must be instilled in children. It appears – or at least should – constantly in our relationship with society.

It involves being considerate of others, and it is necessary to have a healthy coexistence among citizens; it allows harmony to exist in society.

Unfortunately, it is a value that is being lost because of the moral decay that is growing day by day. All this because we want to put our interests above others ; this is reflected from the great elites to the lower social strata.

Can we live in a society where respect does not prevail ?

By valuing the feelings of others and empathizing, we will become better people. We will also create a more harmonious climate and everyday life will look more pleasant and friendly.

On the other hand, if we act contrary to this, we will be promoting ignorance towards others and discord, and sowing the seeds of abuse, disrespect and anarchy. In this way, we could not get along, or worse, survive.

The best example of a growing society occurs when respect is expressed in it, starting with self-respect and reflecting on the other. Thus, a fair, noble, solidary and strong humanity is created; this will become our flag of ethical sense and belonging.

Can we live in a society where respect does not prevail?

How can you do that?

Each one must contribute with a grain of sand to improve the society in which we live. If we have consideration for the other, that other will have consideration for us. A climate of tolerance and acceptance will form and we will achieve a better world. Together, we can make our environment more than just a way of life.

We can make the world a space of satisfaction; It’s time to take the time to cultivate the values ​​we’ve been taught since childhood, starting with respecting all people. We have to start valuing who is by our side and who we meet along the way every day. With respect, we can deal with differences and even learn something from each other.

We must keep in mind that we and we alone are responsible for creating a healthy environment for life and coexistence. But above all, it is very important to instill the right values ​​in our children.

If we do that, in the future they will be functional citizens of society, working to create a better world. Remember: “Don’t do for others what you don’t want them to do for you.” It is an expression that must become a true philosophy of life.

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