Grandparents Not Only Educate Their Grandchildren, They “flight” Them

Grandparents not only educate their grandchildren, they “avose” them

There are words that remind us of the purest childhood. Somehow, they remind us of the precious moments when we were little, that time when, with very little, we were truly rich. If you don’t believe it, try thinking of the heroes that marked your happiest days: grandparents. Grandparents are responsible for making their grandchildren happy, that’s why we say that they don’t just educate their grandchildren, they “avose” them.

Grandparents have a special magic. Their role goes far beyond raising their grandchildren. For these brilliant souls, it is no longer the time to educate, but to enjoy. They are synonymous with complicity, lots of pampering and, above all, consenting to whims.

They say that grandparents do not raise their grandchildren, but “avoseize” them. But what does the neologism “avosear” mean? Today, we want to talk about exactly that. We also want to pay tribute to those dear people who filled us with life and left marks that will remain forever in our hearts.

Grandparents do not raise grandchildren, they “avoseize” them

Grandparents simply look with their hearts at their children’s children. Proudly, they watch the passage of time through their dear grandchildren, for whom they feel a devotion and love that are often difficult to describe.

Grandparents not only raise grandchildren, but give them everything they know. They are sources of truth and wisdom. Through their stories they teach us about justice, love and courage. They are always available to share their experiences and personal stories that build identities, no matter the grandchild’s age.

Grandfather with grandson smiling

Grandparents build personalities, molding their grandchildren with tenderness and sweetness. Carve people with the chisel of patience, prudence and serenity. They breathe innocence and breathe out boundless love. They reveal secrets and deliver confidentiality.

“Avosear” means to sing with tenderness, dedication and maximum devotion. But above all, listen carefully. It is to offer comfort and the wisest advice. It’s giving the missing incentive for grandchildren to get excited and move on.

“Avosear” a grandchild is synonymous with loving

“Avosearing” grandchildren includes forgetting physical and emotional pain and freeing oneself from body and soul. But what is all this for? Nothing more or less than playing with the grandchildren, accompanying them in their antics, becoming an accomplice and a guide at the same time. Reduce age, generational, and even geographic distances.

Grandparents not only create, but also “avoiseam”. And this is more than evident when we look closely at this factor that makes them unique and special. They are unforgettable, eternal in our memory. All because of the unconditional and unsurpassed love they feel for their grandchildren.

In grandparents we can find arms that, perhaps, for some reason we cannot find in our parents. A hug that heals everything, a caress when we needed it most. An unforgettable perfume that will remain forever in our memories.

Grandparents are synonymous with quality time. Gifts, tours, sweets, adventures, and more. Owners of a look that fills our lives with light. They are like a star high above, which lights our way and follows each of our steps.

Grandparents do not die, they are eternalized in the heart

Grandparents are magical beings: even if they are not physically present, they will always be in our lives. They have the gift of being more alive than ever in our memories. They may no longer be able to hold our hands, but they will always be the support of our hearts.

Grandmother happy with grandchildren

These great beings are eternalized at various times: in that little seed that we planted together in the park and which today grows non-stop, in the smell of homemade food and on family trips. They live in the help they offered us, the skills they taught us, and more than that, they also live in those faded photos that represent everything we were and what we are.

The legacy of grandparents is immortalized in our hearts over time. We owe them a part of who we are today. They were an essential part of our childhood and our education. And thanks to the fact that they sometimes “flight” us, they are also a fundamental part of our present and our future.

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