Acne In Pregnancy: Advice On How To Treat

Acne in pregnancy is caused by high hormone levels that stimulate the sebaceous glands. These produce large amounts of secretions that clog the pores, generating bacterial infections that result in the appearance of acne.
Acne in pregnancy: advice on how to treat

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease caused by a bacterial infection. It tends to affect pregnant women, especially those who suffer from acne during menstrual periods.

However, have you ever wondered why acne appears during pregnancy? What can be done to alleviate it? Learn the answers below.

Why pregnant women develop acne

During the gestation period, there are a series of hormonal changes that affect the pregnant woman’s skin. The high levels of hormones circulating in a woman’s body stimulate the sebaceous glands.

These glands then produce excess secretions that, when combined with dead cells, block the hair follicle. Underneath the clogged pores, a lot of fat is produced, which creates the bacterial infection that causes acne.

What to do to treat acne in pregnancy?

Acne is not preventable, but some of these suggestions will help you to fight it.

  • Wash the affected area with a product that gently cleans it or a soap for oily skin that does not contain oil.
  • Do not use washcloths to clean your face, they can irritate your skin.
  • Do not press the towel over your face when drying it, it is best to rub it gently.
  • Make sure the moisturizing creams you use do not contain oils, as this will increase acne.
  • You should not squeeze the nodules or pimples to avoid further inflammation and scarring.
  • Your makeup should be water-based, oil-free and non-comedogenic, that is, not causing more acne or clogging your pores.
  • If your acne is very severe, you should see a dermatologist.
  • You should consult with your doctor before applying lotions and creams on your face, as there are several products that are not recommended during pregnancy.

    acne in pregnancy

    Care when resorting to acne treatments

    During pregnancy, you should not take any treatment for acne without consulting your doctor. This care is based on the fact that there are some drugs that are harmful to the development of the fetus. Likewise, other skin diseases may appear, such as



    As we mentioned, there are many remedies that cannot be used when you have acne during pregnancy. Such as:

    • Salicylic Acid: This is a component found in most acne products.
    • Tetracyclines: is an antibiotic that causes deficient bone growth in the fetus.
    • Retin A or retinoic acid is a very common cream for treating acne and other skin conditions.
    • Isotretinoin: better known by its trademark name: Accutane

    It is necessary to pay close attention to this care. It has been proven that the use of medications during pregnancy can penetrate topically into the bloodstream. If this happens, miscarriages, malformations and even fetal death can occur.

    Home Remedies to Control Acne

    the remedies


    they bring very good results and are ideal for acne during pregnancy.

    cucumber mask

    This mask has been used since ancient times to dry pimples and nodules. Furthermore, it is a powerful healing agent.

    woman with acne

    aloe vera

    You can directly apply the extract from

    aloe vera

    in the affected region. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to dry out the nodules quickly.

    orange mask

    Prepare a mask with zest of orange peel, add a tablespoon of oats and three of plain yogurt. Apply it over the affected area for fifteen minutes and then remove.

    Your lifestyle influences acne control

    Since acne in pregnancy is caused by hormonal instability, it is highly advisable to have a healthy lifestyle and habits.


     that help you achieve balance.

    • Balanced diet : consume foods with natural fat, fruits and vegetables that hydrate your skin and provide the vitamins and minerals that control hormonal imbalance.
    • Try to reduce stress: a


      it is an influencing factor for the appearance of acne. So try to stay calm.

    • Physical activity: do some

      physical exercise

      , for example, a walk, favors the transport of hormones through the blood.

    Following these recommendations will help you improve your pregnancy acne problem and have a healthy pregnancy. Try it and you will see results!

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