6 Benefits Of Playing With The Baby In Front Of The Mirror

6 benefits of playing with the baby in front of the mirror

Playing with the baby in front of the mirror will bring many benefits. Contrary to the myth that putting the baby in front of the mirror delays speech, activities that are performed when the baby can see himself, and see you at the same time, will help his development. In this article we will talk about this topic.

Benefits of  playing with the baby in front of the mirror

It helps to know your own body

To help your child get to know his or her body, place him briefly in front of a mirror so he can see himself fully. The mirror will teach the baby about body language and how he sees himself.

At 8 months, it is still too early for the little one to know that the image he is seeing is his own image, as he grows he gets used to seeing himself and relating gestures and movements he makes to those he observes “in the other”, so he becomes aware that it is his own reflection.


play with the baby in front of the mirror

When you put your baby to play in front of the mirror, you are helping him to exercise empathy.

The child who looks at himself, smiles, and finds an answer to his joy learns to empathize with others.

Playing with the baby in front of the mirror Encourages brain development

Whenever you can, accompany your child during playtime in front of the mirror. In addition to observing your own image and interacting with it, the fact of seeing yourself while you are on your lap and receiving kisses and caresses produces great satisfaction.

However, and we emphasize this, as a baby, your child will not be fully aware that it is himself. Seeing the gestures and the relationship established between that other mother who is just like you, and the baby she is carrying produce pleasurable feelings.

All the positive stimuli you give your child will help your child’s brain development.

It is a moment of knowing the environment when the baby starts to play in front of the mirror

knowledge of the environment when the baby starts to play in front of the mirror 

Since childhood, your child is aware of everything that exists and happens around him.

If you change any element inside the house, he will notice, as if he were an expert in decoration. The goal and hobby of the little ones are exactly that: observing everything to learn from the surrounding environment.

A mirror hanging in the baby’s room will also serve so that he can look at places and things that are at a different angle from his current position; or even to reinforce the knowledge that the little one already has about space.

Your mirror image brings tranquility, fun and makes you feel safe

A child feels safe and confident when he is with another child.

Seeing the other child smile, play, move their little legs excitedly produce the same calming and relaxing effect.

The body movement and all the gestures that that child makes, makes the baby very entertained, more than any doll actually.

If you want to get all these effects with your baby, put a mirror in his room or any other space where he can play. You will see that the child who looks in the mirror is very enchanted.

Psychomotor development when playing with the baby in front of the mirror 

Enjoy the games in front of the mirror to strengthen your mobility.

Put a sheet on the floor, a mirror on a wall and, a little away from the mirror, place your child on the floor to play.

If he’s still too small, put him on his stomach so that the moment will be used to strengthen musculature and head control.

Psychomotor development when playing with the baby in front of the mirror 

If your child is already sitting, put him on the floor around some toys. Place one of the toys closer to the mirror so that the little one can see himself and the toy and be interested in picking it up.

In this interest, he will exercise his little body and will make an effort to crawl to the toy.

As you will see, putting your baby to play in front of the mirror will have many benefits.

When you’re going to do this you just need to keep in mind that mirrors and babies don’t match when they’re close together. Thus, this element of decoration and beauty must be kept at a safe distance from your little one at all times.

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