Sports To Play On The Beach With The Kids

The beach is a perfect setting for fun, especially in the summer months. In addition, it is a great option for playing sports, strengthening your health and consolidating emotional ties with family and friends.
Sports to play on the beach with the kids

Playing sports on the beach with children, with a gradual progression in terms of physical effort, is a wonderful alternative for younger family members. As with any type of sport discipline, it is always advisable to adapt practices according to the characteristics of each child.

Through a prior examination and a medical opinion, it will be possible to define the conditions in which our children are ; this will help us to act according to the immediate possibilities of each one.

We cannot forget that children’s bodies are fragile; every exercise or sport must always be for physical and mental strengthening, and must never be harmful to your health.

“Healthy mind, healthy body,” says an old saying from the time of the Greeks. However, it is still extremely current, because leisure time has increased, but there is a distance between children and nature.

Sports practiced on the beach by children: a fantastic option

Among all the ideal places and landscapes that exist outdoors, the favorite is the sea; even better if it’s during the summer. This time is excellent for playing sports on the beach with  children.

Beach sand is highly beneficial for health as it acts as an exfoliant for the skin and eliminates dead cells. Also, running on it makes your muscles work twice as hard and produce more energy and adrenaline.

With regard to seawater, it also has many benefits, as long as the pertinent safety measures are taken. First, when swimming, all the muscles are exercised, as our entire body is in full motion.

kids kayaking

For this reason, swimming is one of the most important beach sports out there; helps the little ones to improve coordination and control their breathing. All of this generates an improvement in cardiorespiratory capacity.

Among the benefits that this sport offers, we can mention the fact that it promotes well-being, since the child interacts with other people, moving away from the noise of the city; this generates the release of the happiness hormones (the endorphins). In addition, swimming in the open sea implies a greater effort, so the benefits of this practice will be doubled.

After unloading all their energy during their stay at the beach, whether in or out of the water, children will also be able to rest and relax in this beautiful place. This well-deserved rest contributes to your intellectual and physical development in a positive way.

Different sports children can play on the beach

There are countless sports that can be practiced on the beach by children. However, there are some that have become most people’s favorites. They are:

  • open sea swimming
  • Volleyball
  • Soccer

Other less popular sports that are equally beneficial and fun are:


It will allow you to get close to the depths of the sea, its flora and fauna. To do it, you will only need fins, diving goggles, breathing mask. Prior preparation may be necessary, depending on the case. And it is always important to have the supervision and guidance of a professional.

run on sand

It is recommended to practice this sport with your own shoes, because they help the step to be firm and have a lesser impact on the ankles and knees. This activity favors blood circulation.

Other sports that can be practiced on the beach

Thanks to the wide space on the beach, there are other fun activities that require greater space. Among the best known are: hide-and-seek, running, jumping carrion, among others.

They are not considered sports, but physical activity is quite intense, which is why they bring some benefits of sport.

In these games, which can be played on the beach by children, it is possible to gather a large number of children of different ages ; therefore, fun is guaranteed for everyone.

girls playing ciranda

Obstacle race

Races can be done with tape, plastic bags, a plastic cup filled with water, or a spoon with a lemon. The one who can get more adhesive tapes, arrive earlier, pour less water, or not drop the lemon wins, it will depend on the modality chosen.

the jump carrion

The child should be crouched down as if it were an obstacle to be jumped by other people, who put their hands behind their back. If you have a lot of kids, the one who jumps first bends down so the others can jump over them too.

go under the rope

Two children hold a straight bar or rope ; the others make a line and pass under it without touching it. The objective is to go by lowering the bar or the rope, consequently increasing the level of difficulty of the game. There is no problem if the child falls, as the sand can absorb all the impact of the fall.

As you can see, there are many activities and games that can be played regardless of whether you spend one or more days at the beach with the kids. In addition,  the sports that children can play on the beach will have a positive impact on their health.

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