The Testimonial: Mothers Who Love Their Boys The Most – I’m A Mom

The testimonial: Mothers who like their boys more

Admit it! All mothers prefer their boys to their daughters. At least that’s what the provocative mother of four Shona Sibary claims.

Shona Sibary has three daughters, but only one boy in her family. She declares that she was relieved when she learned that she was conceiving a boy child. The mother of four admits that she has a closer relationship with her boy son. See your testimony below.

The moment finally arrives. Twenty weeks into the pregnancy, and lying there in my office bed ready to do the ultrasound, I could barely contain my impatience. The doctor thought I was the type of woman who wants to know the detailed growth report of the developing baby: he commented on the fingers, hands, feet and head size, etc… Actually, I just wanted to hear something . But I didn’t have much to do, and I couldn’t yell at my future baby either, “Spread your legs and let me see what’s in there.”

And then, like magic, it happened. The baby moved revealing everything, and the doctor turned to me and said, “Well, there’s definitely something hanging and – let’s put it this way – it’s not the umbilical cord.” I was so happy that this moment was like angels descending from heaven in chorus.

After two girls and four years of stepping on Polly Pocket’s little plastic pieces on the living room floor; after a pink tsunami, matted hair and demanding feeding, finally a boy was coming. You can blame the hormones, but I immediately started crying with relief.

A boy at last!

boys children

Twelve years later I feel more or less the same. After Monty’s birth, another daughter joined her brood . Dolly raised the estrogen serving to three. Monty is still my only child.

Maybe somehow that’s the explanation of why he can walk into the kitchen in the morning, disheveled, monosyllabic, and I stand breathless, enchanted by him.

I remember looking at my newborn son in his crib and thinking, in a storm of hormonal emotion: I’m going to kill the girl who breaks his heart. And before everyone accuses me of flagrant favoritism, there is strong historical and literary evidence to support the closeness of a mother’s relationship with her boy children.

Literature, mothers and boys

boys children

A survey of 2,500 mothers by Netmums found that half of them had a stronger bond with their boys, and 88% admitted to treating their girls differently.

The results showed that mothers praised their boys’ particular characteristics more, seeing them as funny, daring and playful, while devaluing similar attributes in their daughters, referring to them as complaining or grumpy.

My four children have strong personalities and demonstrate behavior that is not necessarily a reflection of their gender. Everyone can complain, turn the house upside down, test the limits and try to make me lose my mind. Am I more demanding of girls as a result? You bet. It’s because when Flo, 16, looks at me with a disdainful look and Annie, 14, rolls her eyes, it’s like I’m looking at myself in the mirror, and I don’t always like what I see.

With Monty it’s different.

I can be more critical of girls, more aware of their difficulties and the challenges they face. But they also have an uncanny ability to make me feel like the worst mother in the world.

Of course I love all my children, boys or not!

boys children

I love all my kids in different ways. It’s just that with girls I often get the uncomfortable feeling that I’m trying to assemble furniture with an instruction manual that’s in Korean. Nothing I say or do is right. They can be too hypersensitive. They challenge me and reassure me that I am failing my mothering duties every day.

With Monty it’s something else. He tells me I’m wonderful all the time, even when I scream like a witch. When he’s with me, he somehow manages to convince me that he’s getting a certain motherhood. Our relationship is a mutual pat on the back thing. Flo, Annie and Dolly prefer to make the work harder for me.

Or perhaps it has more to do with the old saying: “A son is a son until he has a wife, but a daughter is a daughter all his life. Deep down I know the clock doesn’t stop and I have very little time as the center of the world for Monty. Before long there will be another woman waiting for you with open arms, ready to steal your heart. Perhaps then, and only then, could my relationship with my daughters be unique and special. Yes, that is, if we are still in tune.

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