Animal Therapy In Adolescence

Animal therapy in adolescence is designed to improve adaptive functioning as well as to lessen the causes of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral problems or the patient’s psychiatric condition. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the subject in the following article.
Animal therapy in adolescence

The unconditional love that many people have for their pets is no secret. In fact, people who have pets at home know firsthand the feeling of companionship they offer. However, this unconditional relationship is currently being used to help teenagers who suffer from all sorts of conditions.

The main goal of animal therapy in adolescence is to improve the patient’s emotional, cognitive, and social functioning. The use of this type of therapy is growing, especially with teenagers who have school problems, depression, anxiety or other behavioral difficulties.

Indeed,  therapeutic animals began to emerge as an adjunct to conventional psychotherapy for the treatment of mental and behavioral health.

Animal-Assisted Therapy offers a wide variety of applications to meet the patient’s needs in a multitude of conditions. In fact, studies confirm that teenagers not only become more social with animals, they also increase their social interaction with adults.

Animal therapy in adolescence

If you choose animal therapy to help your teenager, it  is recommended to choose familiar animals that soothe and arouse the curiosity of young people.

For example, dogs, cats, horses or rabbits are some of the main agents that appear in animal therapy. The dog is a pet that deserves special attention, as it usually has a relationship of union and complicity with the human being.

Next, we’ll show you some reasons why animals are used in therapies for teenagers.

1. Effective partners against stress

Animals are well known for helping to eliminate stress and anxiety. There’s nothing like petting an animal to calm your mind. Playing with a pet can lower cortisol levels and increase levels of oxytocin, a hormone that reduces stress.

Animal therapy in adolescence

2. They know how to listen

Animals know how to listen in difficult times and can become the best confidants. On many occasions, teenagers feel that adults do not understand the sensations they may have during this phase of their personal development.

Using a pet as a confidant is a great way to put into words all those confused emotions and thoughts that some young people carry inside.

3. Unconditional

A pet is always by your side, even in the most difficult times in life. Unlike people, who can come and go, animals stay by your side every step of the way.

Similarly, the  pets can help combat feelings of depression and anxiety by offering company. Among other benefits, they can also have a positive impact on self-esteem, reduce loneliness, and even make you less introverted.

4. Help in social connection

Animals help teenagers to foster social bonds and combat loneliness. For example, taking the dog for a walk often leads to conversations with the owners of other dogs. As a result, people often become more socially connected and less isolated. Thus, there is an improvement in the adolescent’s mental health.

Another benefit of social connection is that your teen will have more empathy and trust towards others. All this thanks to a few minutes outdoors with your pet.

Animal therapy in adolescence

5. Create healthy habits

Let’s not forget that  animals help teenagers create healthy habits and routines. Dog owners need to accompany their pets during walks and walks regularly. As a result, they enjoy the benefits of physical activity.

In addition, the  animals must be fed regularly. Thus, they provide teenagers with a reason to raise and care for them, regardless of their mood.

We should not overlook the fact that caring for  animals also promotes self-care. Taking care of a pet reminds teens that they must first take care of themselves, in addition to fulfilling certain responsibilities for the well-being of their animal companion.

In conclusion,  animal therapy helps teenagers with problems to have a better life and feel good. So, if you detect that your child has an emotional or social problem, it is positive to consider the possibility of taking a pet home and, thus, enjoy its multiple therapeutic benefits.

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