Photographs During Pregnancy: 5 Ways To Preserve This Period

Photographs during pregnancy are the best way to keep those memories forever. Also, when your baby grows up, you can show them off and he’ll realize that you’ve loved him since he knew about them.
Photographs During Pregnancy: 5 Ways To Preserve This Period

Since you found out you were going to be a mother, you are certainly the happiest woman in the world. Now you must be thinking about what to do to keep this precious moment forever. Here we’ll introduce you to some amazing pregnancy photography suggestions that you’ll love. In some you may be alone and in others you may be with the father-to-be.

5 tips for the photo shoot during pregnancy

You can take pictures throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In fact, a great idea is to make a collage with photos from every month or week of this phase.

However, if what you want is a  photo shoot  run by a professional photographer, you should choose a date. The ideal is to choose a time when your belly is formed enough to stand out in the photos. However, don’t choose too late, as you may be feeling very tired.

Choose a good place and a good time

If you want to know the ideal place to take pictures during pregnancy, start photographing places. So you can contrast how the photos look in each location to choose the one you like the most.

For this,  take into account that the background is colored, but at the same time does not overshadow you. Also, there must be enough light. Some ideas for good areas might be:  

  • Outdoors: It can be a park surrounded by trees or in a field with flowers and mountains in the background.
  • In a photo gallery or in a museum. Remember to blur the background when editing the photo or ask the photographer to do so.
  • In a building designed with modern or historic architecture,  depending on your personality.
  • A wooden or old-fashioned house.

Photographs during pregnancy

On the other hand, you must take into account the time of day. The best time is usually in the afternoon, because at this time the orange colors of the sky favor the photos. Try not to do it at night, so you don’t need to flash. Also, avoid sunlight behind you, as you will come out darker and brighter behind.


Even if your photographer gives you suggestions on how to pose,  you can anticipate posing in front of the mirror. That way you will feel more secure and more interesting ideas will come to your mind.

Be creative when using accessories

In order for your photographs during pregnancy to be original , use accessories that match your personality. For example, if you like caricatures, you can wear a costume or draw something you like on your belly.  

In addition, you can also use a fabric with transparencies that is blue or pink, depending on your baby’s gender, and place a fan nearby so that both the hair and fabric have movement.

A very common idea is to display the baby’s name, in balloons or written on the belly. Or, also, take pictures of the child’s clothes and shoes. These ideas always look great, so you can take them into account. 

As for the clothes you will wear, it will depend on how comfortable you feel. It is most advisable that you wear loose and cool dresses. However, many women choose to pose nude, as this better reflects the silhouette and highlights the body more.  

Photographs during pregnancy

Create memories with dad and older siblings

Photographs during pregnancy  can also be used to include older siblings as well as the father. Some of the ideas you can consider for creating these memories are:  

  • A photo in which you are  carrying your oldest child in your arms and he touches your belly lovingly.
  • Another one in which your partner kisses your belly.
  • One in which  father and son kiss the belly.
  • Position your partner behind you and ask him to place his hands on your stomach. Another idea is that, with the same hands, he can form a heart.

These are just a few suggestions for photographs during pregnancy. As you read, you will surely think of many others. Give free rein to your imagination and keep these beautiful memories, because even if you get pregnant again, every pregnancy is unique. So, in the future, you’ll want to relive those moments by looking at the photos.  

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