7 Trivia About Newborns

Thinking that, as a newborn, our little one cannot perceive almost anything can be a mistake.
7 fun facts about newborns

You will be amazed at all that a baby can understand about the world just a few days old. According to one study, all of a newborn’s senses are active and ready to apprehend many things around them.

Acting as if the newborn baby didn’t understand anything means missing opportunities to teach things and start communicating with him. Even when we know that the main and mandatory measures of attention are of great help, by knowing better the things that a newborn perceives, we can provide better stimuli.

For that reason, through this article, we want to show you at least seven things your baby has noticed since coming into the world.

1. Can recognize mom’s face

Even if the baby’s vision is not very clear yet, he is able to establish a visual relationship to identify the contrasts that delimit the image of the mother’s face. Likewise, this same pattern allows you to identify other faces. That is, the baby can recognize and will be interested in most faces.

Thus, specialists ensure that the development of this ability is associated with the need for survival, which implies valuing one’s own life by recognizing the faces that help the baby to survive. In this sense, it is also based on the fact that it is usually the mother who pays the most attention to the baby.

trivia about newborns

2. Identify smells

According to experts, it is possible that from the mother’s womb, the baby has already had its first olfactory experiences. Therefore, this sense develops quickly. In part, smell also contributes to survival because it allows contact with the mother, food and security.

Mom’s scent is something that accompanies children during all stages of development. In the case of newborns, it allows them to connect with her even in the dark. The development of smell helps to identify other odors and begin to feel attraction or repulsion for them.

3. Distinguish the mother tongue

It is believed that from the first trimester of pregnancy, the child begins to adapt his ear and brain to the mother’s language. At the same time, she is able to identify if other people speak a different language.

Even if the baby does not understand what people say at birth, he can identify that it is the language his mother speaks, the mother’s voice and intonation, and the characteristic words of the language in question. Apparently, the language is registered from the repetition frequency in the baby’s brain. Just as any sound is registered that does not yet represent a specific meaning.

4. They see shapes that are 20 to 30 centimeters from your eyes

The newborn’s vision is somewhat diffuse. But little by little your vision begins to focus on key elements that allow you to distinguish shapes. It is a fact that a newborn baby perceives some patterns more accurately. Therefore, he shows greater interest in lines, drawings in frames, bands, grayscale schemes and effects between light and dark.

In its first few months, your baby will only be able to see with greater definition at a maximum distance of 30 centimeters from your eyes. Even if you can see movement, lights and shadows further away, you won’t be able to focus clearly.

trivia about newborns

5. Use the mouth to identify objects

We know that babies tend to put things in their mouths. According to one study, they initially do this to recognize objects. This study was carried out through the use of pacifiers with different textures, without the babies being able to notice the difference.

The results showed that the children identified the pacifier they were sucking only when they saw it. Even when they didn’t know what they looked like. Apparently, from the texture they noticed in the mouth, they could imagine what pacifiers would look like.

6. Can you remember things you heard

This is a statement that experts make that appears as a consequence of the baby’s stimulation. According to studies, it is believed that a story, song or words that are repeated to the little one before they are born, and in the first months of life, become clearly familiar to them.

7. They have a well-developed touch

As well as recognizing objects with their mouths, babies also use touch to orient themselves. This sense is very valuable for the little ones. Contact with the skin of loved ones, hugs and caresses are part of their language.

It is practically a fact that newborns perceive the world through their hands. That’s why everything he can touch represents a source of knowledge for him.

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