Help Your Child Overcome Shyness

If our child is shy, we believe we should treat him in a special way and nothing more.
Help your child to overcome shyness

A child’s shyness is one of the problems that parents sometimes don’t take very seriously.

If a child is shy, they do little or nothing to reverse this situation. But we warned everyone and apologized for the way she behaves.

Well, we already warned that this is a totally wrong behavior.

Of course shyness can be overcome! With time and with your help, your child will be able to get rid of it.

Hints for diagnosing a shy child

As a parent, you may notice your child’s behavior if he is a shy child.

A child is shy if:

  • It hides when a stranger arrives at home.
  • Keeps behind mom or dad when they talk to other people.
  • Speak little or when spoken to.
  • He barely relates to other children his own age.
  • Has little participation in classes.
  • Play alone, isolate yourself.
  • It does not take part in group activities and tasks in school and society.
  • It is intimidated by the unknown and new experiences.

At what age and why does shyness appear in childhood?

Although it is not a rule, shyness in childhood usually appears from the first year of life.

However, it is a feature that can be eliminated. It is not because a child is shy in the early years of his life that he will be that way for a lifetime.

Several studies claim that shyness can have genetic roots. In other words, a child can be born with a certain predisposition to be shy. 

But shyness in most cases comes from the family and social environment in which it is inserted in its growth.

Everything that happens in the home and in the environment where you grow up, as well as the education that is given, will influence your behavior and your character.

We can say that the family and society can be responsible for a child’s shyness. But time can also “cure” this behavioral disorder. 

When a child begins to show signs of shyness, parents must take all measures to prevent it from becoming a disorder that prevents him from developing as a social being in childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

the shyness

Help your child to overcome shyness

If you notice that your child is shy:

  • Encourage self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-assurance.
  • Try at all times to ensure your emotional stability.
  • Give affection, kisses, hugs, etc.
  • Share with him everything you can
  • Talk about problems, worries and dreams.
  • Provide a peaceful and harmonious home for your child to grow up.
  • Avoid violence, shouting and arguments.
  • Keep it in mind when making a family decision and everything that has to do with it. Listen to your opinions.
  • Don’t be overprotective.
  • Give them freedom to make mistakes and learn from their mistakes.
  • Teach the importance of making friends and relating to other children.
  • Avoid stress. We know we live in a boiling and fast-paced society. But it’s not your child’s fault.
  • Don’t force your child to be outgoing when he wants to be alone. Pressing won’t help you.
  • Reward him. Praise his virtues, his achievements and the few moments when he shows to be uninhibited. A shy child needs recognition from his parents. 
  • Encourage him to create goals and not stop until he reaches them. That way you will encourage him to be independent.
  • Don’t “label” your child’s behavior, even less so when he’s listening. Telling everyone he’s shy isn’t going to help him at all, quite the opposite.
  • Don’t stop him from playing with others.

the shyness

More tips…

  • Be as natural and sociable as possible. Remember, your child likes to imitate you.
  • Don’t overlook encounters with other children and adults where you can be with your child. Any opportunity is good to give the possibility to make relationships.
  • Give household chores and responsibilities. Buy bread every morning, take out the garbage, help with cleaning the house, accompany you to the market to choose food, etc.
  • Don’t do for him what you can do for yourself.
  • Encourage him to do physical exercise. The sports areas are ideal spaces for making friends.
  • Educate him with respect to the rules of courtesy. Saying “good night”, “thank you” and “excuse me” will certainly help to break the barrier in your relationship with strangers
  • Demonstrate the importance of being authentic and true to yourself. Respect your tastes and your ways of thinking. In this way, others will also respect you and accept you with your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Never compare it to others.
  • Finally, teach him to make his own decisions and don’t expect others to do it for him.

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