How Does School Change Affect Children?

In most cases, changing schools is a complex process for children. They may feel emotionally shaken by the idea of ​​having to leave their previous life, their friends, etc. Depending on their personality, the child will adapt over time to the new situation.
How does changing schools affect children?

Changing schools is a process that can affect children more than adults can imagine. In many situations, it is wrongly assumed that children are able to adapt quickly to sudden changes. However, they suffer from changes that undermine their stability and routine.

How does changing schools affect children?

Children do not always adapt easily and quickly to change. In fact, this is one of the great myths that exist about the little ones.

Like adults, children feel fear and anxiety about what is unknown, that is, changes. Therefore, it is essential that parents transmit the necessary confidence and offer adequate support and support so that the child can successfully overcome this transition in their life.

How does changing schools affect children? Parents who have gone through a transition process know that this type of change does affect children.

Little ones face a mix of emotions, including sadness and fear of the unknown. The fact of severing the emotional ties with your friends and leaving behind the world they once knew and provided them with stability is very difficult.

For this reason, children are indeed affected by these changes; what we cannot predict is how intensely they will feel them. Of course, as with any adult, the situation can be approached from a positive or negative perspective.

The intensity of the emotions will depend on what the child leaves behind, as well as what he or she will encounter. In this sense, when a child arrives at a new school, if they make friends quickly and feel welcomed, the change will be much easier.

school change

How to minimize the effects of changing schools?

Here are some questions parents should consider before explaining school change to their children:


Children are not silly. On the contrary, each new generation is smarter and smarter than the previous one. That’s why cheating, even in order to protect, is not the best option. Especially since, sooner or later, the child will have to face reality, and if you deceive him, the blow will be stronger. Also, the child will feel hurt that Mom and Dad lied to her.

Therefore, she must be informed honestly and clearly about the decision to change her school or any other change. It is necessary to explain to the child the reasons that led to this decision. With no barriers or half-truths of any kind, parents should always talk honestly and use language appropriate to the child’s age.

Highlight the positive side

Another important aspect is that parents show their child the positive aspects that this change will bring. Again, it is essential not to lie. The child should not be promised things we are not sure of.


Children can adapt more or less easily to changes if their parents are firm. So, it is essential that they show themselves secure and confident at all times.

Parents represent the most important point of stability for little ones. Hence, the importance of transmitting security throughout the children’s academic trajectory.


The child will likely adapt much better to school if the parents are actively involved in their education. In this sense, it is recommended to get to know the teachers, get involved in various activities that require the support of tutors. Parents can also, for example, contribute books to the library, among other actions.

visit the new school together

If it is within the possibilities, it is always recommended to visit the new school and the surroundings of the neighborhood where it is located. It is a good idea for the child to familiarize themselves with the new facilities before suddenly encountering the new environment on the first day of school.

school change

Extracurricular activities

Enrolling children in extracurricular activities is important for them to continue developing the activities they enjoy doing. It’s also a way to facilitate new friendships. These activities can be provided by the school or in specialized establishments.

Without a doubt, changing schools affects each child to a greater or lesser extent according to numerous aspects. The most important thing is to offer the little one, above all, honesty, stability and understanding.

Likewise, parents must be patient. It is necessary to understand that this process can be slower than imagined. Over time, the child will adapt and this experience will contribute to their maturation.

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