How To Take Care Of Your Baby’s Skin?

How to take care of your baby's skin?

Your baby’s skin is very important due to sensitivity, as well as being the largest organ in the human body. To ensure proper care, it is necessary to follow the advice of specialists and mothers who have successfully overcome this task.

There are many ways to take care of your baby’s skin, but the main thing is not to overdo the care in the bath or the amount of products we use. There are a few methods that contribute to optimal care. They consist not only in bathing the baby, but also alert to other procedures, such as changing diapers and the type of clothes we put on.

Advice for taking care of your baby’s skin

It is recommended that products and materials suitable for children be used. This is important because sometimes we do everything correctly, but we miss the main indication. If you have questions about how to take care of yourself or are completely unfamiliar with the procedures, we will help you improve your skills with the advice below.

1. Bathing is necessary, but not mandatory.

Bath time can be very relaxing for the baby, but it can also turn out to be a nuisance. To provide a pleasant moment at bath time, it is recommended to pay attention to the water temperature and, to ensure skin care, do not let the bath be too long.


In the first months of life, the baby should not take a bath every day, but often sweat and the residues of feces and urine require more cleaning. Keeping the baby clean can prevent irritation and dryness of the skin.

Likewise, it is advisable to use hypoallergenic soaps in the bath and not wash your baby’s towels and clothes with soap or fabric softener. It is also not recommended to use body creams with very strong fragrances or that are not specific for babies. Even though the use of these products and talc are recommended for diaper changes, it should not be exaggerated.

At bath time, take the opportunity to do the complete cleaning that is not done when we only change the diaper. It is advisable to clean with water, using a towel or sponge. Pay close attention when cleaning the skin folds and especially the genital region. If the baby is a boy, cleaning the penis follows a particular method.

2. beware of the sun

It is recommended to expose the baby to the sun and other environmental factors such as cold and wind. However, these agents can affect the baby’s skin. Therefore, exposure to the sun in the first three months cannot be direct, it is necessary to protect the baby’s eyes and skin. Thus, it is not advisable for the sun’s rays to fall directly on the baby.

The sun can bring many benefits, especially because it is a source of vitamin D, but prolonged and direct exposure is harmful to humans. Likewise, we must protect the baby’s skin when it is cold or windy. Otherwise, irritation and dryness may occur.

3. A necessary element, the diaper


Perhaps we think that it is enough to pay attention to hygiene rules before changing diapers and when protecting the baby from moisture in the genital region. However, it is very important to choose the ideal diaper,  but we always manage. Generally, we are concerned with the level of absorption, which is also important, but the ideal is to be aware of possible rejections that the skin may present.

In this sense, on some occasions the diaper can cause irritation or allergies due to its composition. Of course, a diaper designed for babies is made to prevent allergies, but some babies are less resistant to these problems. For this reason, it is recommended to choose those whose composition is practically total of organic fibers.

As for changing diapers, it is very important to change them soon after they get dirty or when we realize that the baby needs it. Most of the time, irritations appear because the baby spends too much time in contact with urine and feces.

Therefore, it is necessary to clean the genital area and baby wipes are recommended. Try to eliminate as much waste as you can. To complete this process, some mothers have the habit of applying special creams and talcum powder.

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