7 Happy Tips You Can Teach Your Kids

7 Tips To Be Happy You Can Teach Your Kids

Many parents have made it a goal in raising their children that they are happy people, that when they grow up they become emotionally healthy adults, optimistic and capable of transforming the world.

With the following recommendations, you can  teach your child to be a truly happy person.

7 tips to teach your child to be happy

1. Teach healthy habits to control the mind:

Simple practices such as kind words about yourself, controlling emotions, being  able to appreciate the little things that give you daily pleasure, showing gratitude to those around us, and being tolerant when faced with frustration are all simple things to teach and will have value during all our children’s lives.

2. Establish routines that benefit physical development:

You must demonstrate the importance of doing some physical activity to keep your body in good condition. Help your child find some activity, be it music, sport or any other hobby so he can exercise his mind and body and have a way to take his mind off stressful situations.

be happy

3. Increase your dose of fun:

Even if you’re tired when you leave work, when you get home you should enjoy having a little fun with your kids. Laughing in the family is an amazing therapy for improving interpersonal relationships. A game, a movie or a walk can be wonderful activities for everyone.

4. Teach to feel good about yourself :

One of the secrets to being happy is getting to know each other and being calm about it. Show your children’s strengths and also teach them to identify and improve their weaknesses.  Acceptance of yourself is essential for anyone to be truly happy.

be happy

5. Help to see the value of little things:

There is nothing that can make us happier than the everyday. Being impressed with nature, with the joy of people and with these small miracles that happen at any time in our lives is a great reason to be happy.

Set an example and demonstrate that small things can contribute to a feeling of satisfaction  and renew us every day of our lives.

6. Encourage the act of helping others :

Regardless of the job we have, the fundamental purpose must be to help others. Try to teach your children the satisfaction you get from being able to help someone, starting with the daily chores around the house. Show what a joy it is to be able to share what you have and know, first with your family and then with the community.

7. Keep company and offer help in sad times:

Even for the happiest people, there are times in life when sadness is present. The healthiest thing is not to invade your children’s lives to avoid their pain, but to be there with them so that they learn to deal with the problem properly. Tolerance with frustration is a gift you can give that will last a lifetime.

20 Simple Things to Be Happy as a Family

  1. Prepare together a food that everyone likes
  2. learn to take care of money
  3. Surprise with small everyday details
  4. Always emphasize the importance of honesty
  5. Be willing to listen and offer words of encouragement when necessary
  6. Doing charities that teach you to value what you have
  7. Learn and teach the value of forgiving
  8. Have fun with a board game, a sport or any outdoor activity
  9. Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself
  10. Doing with love any task we set out to perform
  11. Valuing  the work and the presence of others
  12. Give thanks  for the privileges we have
    ser feliz
  13. Alternate professional activities with family-friendly activities
  14. Treat each other with respect and consideration
  15. Doing homework together. Responsibilities should not lie with just one person when working in a team
  16. Having the ability to set and meet goals
  17. Learning that work is not torture and that it can be fun when done with love
  18. Perform each task thinking in a positive way.
  19. Praise each family member. Recognize the qualities that make everyone special
  20. Being independent is a very important factor in everyone’s life. Don’t solve the problems of others, but watch closely as your children look for the best way out.

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