Is It Good For The Children To Witness The Birth Of The New Brother?

The arrival of a new family member is a very special event. We are looking forward to this precious moment. Some people will tell you to allow the children to witness the birth of the new sibling. Is it a good decision?
Is it good for children to witness the birth of their new brother?

Certainly, you will find many prejudices about the subject. Some examples are questions about whether children will be traumatized or can see the mother suffer. Others believe this can provide a stronger bond with the new sibling.

In short, if children can witness the birth of the new sibling, it should be the mother’s choice, but don’t force them to do something they feel uncomfortable with.

The curious nature of children

The vast majority of children are well connected internally with their emotions, sometimes even better than adults. But that doesn’t mean they know how to control them.

As they grow up, little ones adopt fears that are imposed by one or another comment. Because they have a lesser reasoning ability, it is necessary to explain things simply.

Therefore, the birth process must be mentioned as something natural. You can gradually prepare the ground for when the time comes. At the same time, as a mother, let your children express themselves and expose any doubts they may have.

How to explain the process of pregnancy and childbirth?

There are many professionals who do not allow children to witness the birth of a new sibling, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. If your children know their mother is strong and capable, they will trust you.

However, if they see pregnancy as an illness, they will be scared and filled with anguish when the time of birth approaches. If they hear about childbirth as something dangerous, they will naturally consider it something better not to look or feel. And worst of all, they might think the mother is in danger.

Therefore, it depends a lot on you and your partner when it comes to telling the children to witness the birth of the new brother. Of course, you will also need to consider your own circumstances as a mother.

If you have had no complications and feel confident, you will be able to convey this feeling even during the birth process. Otherwise, if you arrive at that nervous moment and know your children will be there, it can stifle your ability to make childbirth a quick and exciting experience.

whether the children should see the birth of the new brother must be the mother's decision

What should you consider?

There are several factors you must consider along with your partner. For example, the assistance you will receive. Will it be a home birth or at a medical center? It is important not to ignore this detail, as there are some maternity hospitals that do not allow children to witness the birth of their new sibling.

Other aspects that should be considered are the following:

  • Your children’s desire or intention. When preparing them, you need to pay attention and see how they react to the idea of ​​being present at that moment. A good idea would be to show the birth process through a video.
  • The age of your children. It is recommended that children are able to express themselves to witness the birth of the new sibling. This means that they must be at least 5 years old.
  • Your children’s personality. If your children are very sensitive, it may not be a good idea to have them witness the time of delivery.

What to do if you decide that your children are going to witness the birth of their new brother?

Keep in mind that childbirth can be a process or just a moment. Explain exactly what will happen inside the delivery room.

Calmly say that as a mother you should make a great effort so that your moans or screams do not frighten them. Also, you must explain that the body contains a lot of blood and fluids, which are sorely needed for the life of the mother and baby brother again.

whether the children should see the birth of the new brother must be the mother's decision

If the medical center allows an early visit to the delivery room, fine. This is very good for the mental preparation of the little ones. And if the birth is at home, allow your children to be involved in the process, bringing what is needed for that moment.

A crucial thing to think about is who will accompany your children. Maybe you think you should be the father, but if he’s by your side, it’s not good to leave the kids alone. If they feel uncomfortable, it’s best to take them out of the room and calm them down.

Remember: it must be your decision whether the children will witness the birth of the new sibling or not. Prepare your kids first, but don’t force them. While there are good reasons why you want to have your kids present at this point, don’t feel bad if you change your mind in the end.

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