5 Tips For The First Few Weeks As A Mom – I’m A Mom

In this article, we offer 5 tips for your first few weeks as a mom that will definitely help you.
5 tips for the first few weeks as a mother

You’ve just become a mother and you’ve noticed, from the first moments, that things aren’t as you imagined. Although you are very happy to have your baby in your arms, you are always tired or a little depressed.

Suddenly, it seems like it’s going to be very difficult to adapt to this new life you have ahead of you. Therefore, these 5 pieces of advice that we recommend will be very useful for you to live a peaceful motherhood in the first weeks. Keep in mind that no one is born knowing how to be a mother. But, for sure, your maternal instinct will help you to know what to do in each moment.

Advice for the first few weeks

Advice from our family and friends will always be very useful to help overcome minor setbacks. You can even get in touch with the other mothers you met during the birth preparation course and get the help of the group of mothers that was formed there. This will definitely help you get to know the experience of other mothers when exchanging doubts and questions.

To help you in this task, here we will also give you five pieces of advice for the first weeks of motherhood.


One of the most important tips for the first few weeks is to sleep while your baby sleeps. If you don’t do this, you will soon feel tired. It’s really hard to rest, because every three hours you have to feed your baby, change the diaper, put it to sleep…

For sure, at first you will find it impossible to sleep at any time. But your body will soon ask for it. Think of your body as a battery that also needs to be recharged every three hours . Sleep is very important for you to recover soon.

don’t worry if you feel sad

It is very normal for mothers to feel sad in the first few weeks after giving birth. This is one of the consequences of hormonal changes. But keep in mind that it will soon pass and you will soon be the same again.

If you feel like crying at any time or if you think the situation is going to get you down, don’t worry too much. Because this is normal for the first few weeks. Of course, if after a while you still feel sad, it is better to see a doctor or a psychologist.

first weeks

Ask for help

In the first few weeks, parents experience a real marathon: breastfeeding, bottles, diapers, laundry, sleep, colic… Sometimes we get so tired that we don’t know how to rest and do all the housework at the same time. In addition, this situation can become even worse if the baby has older siblings who also demand our attention and help.

Do not hesitate to ask your family and even a trusted friend for help in specific situations. Of course, they will be willing to help you by going to the supermarket, buying any medicine you need, or picking up your little brother in the nursery. You have just become a mother and you also need care and help.

Don’t worry about postponing a visit if you’re not in the mood or don’t think it’s the right time. It’s normal for family and friends to want to meet your baby, but it’s also normal for you to feel very tired.

don’t worry about the weight

It is very difficult to lose weight and regain the same shape as before pregnancy in the first few weeks. Most likely, you will gradually lose weight over the next few months.

Also, it’s not a good idea to start a diet right now. In these first few weeks, you should physically recover from childbirth and maintain a healthy diet. The best thing to do is to adopt healthy eating habits as much as we can.

first weeks

It’s also good to exercise little by little over the next few months. To start with, a suggestion is to walk every morning or afternoon with your baby to recover. It’s not only good for keeping fit, it will also help you relax and enjoy motherhood.

enjoy time with your baby

Remember that you will not go back to living those first few weeks with your baby. So, you have to take advantage. Give all the love you can and enjoy the naps, the walks, the smiles, the looks, the yawns… Don’t forget: this is one of the best moments of your life. Enjoy!

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