How Is Alpha Generation?

The alpha generation is the name given to the group of children born after 2010. In this article, we will tell you everything we know about this new generation.
How is the alpha generation?

Each generation is named after the Greek alphabet. In this case, the alpha generation is the name given to the group of children born after 2010. Like all generations, when and how they grow up will affect their behavior and the choices they make. So, in this article we are going to review its main features.

Alpha generation kids will grow up with smartphones in their hands and will have the ability to transfer their thoughts online in just seconds. The enormous technological changes, among other factors, make this generation one of the most prepared and transformed in history.

This new climate of connectivity makes the generation leap one of the biggest in history. Also, unlike previous generations who simply used technology, the alpha generation will spend most of their years completely immersed in it.

The first generation of the 21st century

The alpha generation, also known as the “children of the Millennials” uniting people born between 2010 and 2025. It is a concept created by Australian demographer Mark McCrindle who describes with that name the first generation born entirely in the 21st century.

This generation succeeds Generation Z, which corresponds to those born in the mid-1990s. Therefore, they represent the beginning of something new.

The future these people will create will be built on the changes we are experiencing today. The alpha generation is born to older parents, and this is more likely to occur in smaller family units, with homes with only one child.

All over the world, this generation will experience greater wealth and material possessions than previous generations. The first generation of the 21st century has been immersed in technology from the day they were born.  Therefore, these children will never know a world where technological devices do not exist.

Children know how to handle electronic devices from an early age.

Common Characteristics of Alpha Generation

1. Technology experts

Without a doubt, children who are part of the alpha generation will be technology experts and will not know a world without social networks. Predictably, most of them will have phones so sophisticated that they hardly need to use a computer.

As if that weren’t enough, consumption habits will also change with the use of technology. Mostly, they will buy more online and will have less human contact than previous generations.

2. Prepared for the challenges

The children of the alpha generation will be more self-sufficient and prepared to face the big challenges. They will get an education through online learning and have their own way of learning.

Likewise, by being born into a bubbling, intelligent, and connected world, the alpha generation will be better equipped than anyone else to solve the problems we can’t solve today.

3. Less attention span

Alpha generation kids get bored quickly. This is because they are used to using multiple screens and quickly identifying information to find what they want.

They jump from one app to another, from screen to screen, from video to video, looking for something to catch their attention. This ends up reducing your attention span.

Children know how to handle electronic devices from an early age.

4. Change of interests

Members of the so-called alpha generation are also expected to be interested in the physical game, but not in the way we understand it now. Studies show that alphas will have a keen interest in handheld devices and gestural interfaces.

This will affect the number of fewer hours per week children will play sports. In addition, your interests and priorities are also expected to change the world soon, especially when it comes to technology.

In conclusion, don’t forget that there will be clear psychological challenges with this generation. That’s because, despite being so connected, these kids will feel more alone. In any case, it is something natural and a consequence of technological evolution and society itself.

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