Psychoprophylaxis: Prepare For A Smooth, Pain-free Birth

Is it possible to have a painless childbirth? Although it will never be possible to be 100% pain free, psychoprophylaxis helps us to control our body’s reactions and have a less painful birth.
Psychoprophylaxis: prepare for a smooth and pain-free birth

Evidently, the moment of giving birth generates anguish and pain in the mother-to-be . The expression “humanize childbirth” can convey the idea of ​​alleviating the pain associated with giving birth to a baby . And there are several women who are encouraged to have the least medical assistance in this case, something that is called psychoprophylaxis.

Psychoprophylaxis : a painless childbirth

 The time of delivery is commonly associated with pain, possibly increased by the great  emotional charge  that the woman experiences at that time.  If the mother is tired, nervous and anxious, she may experience greater pain during contractions.

Her shock will be even greater as the moment of birth arrives,  which will generate in her an anguish that will only pass through the pain she will feel.

To this we add the reaction of fear for everything you may have heard previously, which in many cases is part of the culture of our society. As a result,  at the time of delivery the woman will be rigid and because the muscles will be tense, the situation will cause even more pain.

But there is a way to do it differently: there are societies that consider childbirth as something sacred and give it an atmosphere of serenity,  quite relaxed.

This creates an expectation of satisfaction for the mother-to-be that allows her to give birth as smoothly as possible.

Therefore, we can say that  with the proper preparation it is possible to achieve a painless birth or at least with controlled pain.

labor induction

How to avoid pain during childbirth?

For an expectant mother to reach the time of delivery and be able to achieve psychoprophylaxis,  there must be several months of prior preparation.  In fact, there are courses in psychoprophylaxis or relaxation methods.

The objective is to prepare the mother-to-be so that when the long-awaited moment of meeting her baby arrives, she suffers as little pain and anguish as possible. Obviously, there will be a certain degree of pain that only a mother knows, however,  the objective is to be able to alleviate or treat it so that the mother does not create excessive anguish and stress.

Preparation for a pain-free birth can begin between the third and fourth month of pregnancy.  If the mother-to-be is aware of the changes that have taken place in her body during the past nine months and the reason for this, she will be able to understand what the birth process involves.

It will also help a lot to have a pain-free childbirth if the mother has some form  of relaxation and breathing exercise.

What does psychoprophylactic methodology encompass?

If you choose the psychoprophylactic method, you will see how through it you will learn and learn  basic techniques about anatomy and physiology of pregnant women and also about the moment of childbirth.

At meetings,  you will learn a lot about childbirth and the associated symptoms that precede it,  such as contractions, dilation, and expulsion.

Objectives of psychoprophylactic methodology

Next you will learn certain techniques based on the following objectives:

  • Knowing the different states of breathing  that will be useful to achieve psychoprophylaxis or painless childbirth.
  • Learn to relax and also control the muscles  you will need to use when giving birth.
  • Know how to pause breathing between contractions.

healthy pregnancy woman in the garden

Relaxation, a key factor during childbirth

Being completely relaxed will allow you to control your emotions. To prepare, you will have to find a place isolated from noise or be in contact with nature.

For starters, you  can lean back on your bed, on a mat, or on the grass in your garden and begin to tense and relax the muscles  in your extremities.

Before starting, place three support pads. One under the head, one under the waist and the last under the heels, so that your body is slightly suspended in three parts . Do the contraction  and relax your arms, back, hips, muscles and legs.

This technique  will allow you to control your sleep, which will make your rest more relaxed and peaceful.  This will reduce stress as the time for delivery approaches.

Also, don’t forget about muscle and breathing exercises. They improve your   pelvic area’s elasticity and flexibility and will give your belly strength.

In conclusion,  if you choose to practice psychoprophylaxis, you will certainly change your perception of childbirth.  And as a result, the satisfaction of receiving your baby will be even more pleasurable.

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