7 Games To Learn To Read

With games, learning to read can become an easier and more fun activity for children.
7 games to learn to read

Learning is always more enjoyable when a playful methodology is applied. For this reason, we are going to introduce you to a series of games for learning to read that can be performed both at home and at school.

The idea is to arouse interest, curiosity and encourage children to start expressing their own ideas. All this through fun. 

Learning to read is a process that involves several steps, which are mainly:

  • Presyllabic level. You learn to differentiate the letters.
  • Syllabic level. Phonological awareness develops and begins to associate sounds with forms. It is at this stage that you learn to read and write.

7 games to learn to read

1. Letters with objects

We can start a dynamic in which the children choose several objects and, one by one, you say the names. It is important to make the name of each one very clear.

We can use the typical illustrated alphabets or even play dough and mold the letters or objects whose name we want to teach.

It is recommended to start with the vowels and, when the child has learned these letters, continue with the consonants. You can use the body lettering method. For example, form the letter A with your fingers.

2. Palms and words

You can separate the syllables from the words using the clapping and the sound they make. So let’s get the kids interested (and we’ll probably have lots of laughs) by clapping our hands whenever we separate the syllables of a word. For example: Hunter; horse; tree; yellow.

When writing, you can clap your hands whenever you draw a stroke to separate the syllables. In this way, the fun will be transferred to paper.

3. Identification of vowels

For the identification of vowels, we can use pairs or triples of words that start with the same vowel. For example: water, air, sand, grandmother.

The goal is for the child to identify the words and learn the sound of the corresponding vowel. The previous case can be used to consolidate the learning of the letter A in different scenarios.

It is also possible to use cards with figures, each one representing a vowel. If the child can paint them, even better!

For example, the letter A in yellow, the E in red, and so on.

4. Joining images

Place eight images in two vertical columns on one sheet. In each of the columns, you must place images that are related and that the child can link together by identifying each one of them.

The goal is to list each word. For example, on one side you can put a book, dog, bread and sofa; on the other house, animal, food and house. The child must call: book-house; dog-animal; bread-food; and sofa house.

5. Use cards with syllables

This is one of the most useful and fun learning-to-read games out there. Take several cards and write several different syllables. Ask the child to form words from each of the cards.

If you write the syllable PA, for example, ask her what word can be formed with that syllable. In a container you can put several syllables. For example: PA, RA, TO, MA, PO.

Ask her to draw a piece of paper from the recipient and say a word formed from that syllable.  For example: Duck.

6. Recognize the letters

As soon as a child begins to learn letters, he must be able to recognize them. It is recommended to pay special attention to some letters that may cause confusion, such as the letter B with the letter P or the letter B with the letter D.

It is also recommended to write it several times: bbbdbb b. The middle letter is different, so it doesn’t correspond to the letter B. In this activity, you can ask the child to circle the “invading” letter and arrange it so that they are all the same: bbbbbb b.

learn to read

7. Which word has the letter …?

Another fun game to learn to read is to write several words and ask the child to identify the words that contain the letter A, for example. We can also do this exercise with pictures.

For example: banana, leaf, hand, ear, bird. Thus, we ask the child to paint images whose written form contains the letter A.

In this way, children will start to build a reading. The important thing is to relate the pictures and the writing. It is not about decoding symbols, nor is it a mechanical activity. The important thing is to understand the message.

We must remember that the purpose of these games for learning to read is to help children communicate, discover and develop in the world.

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