How To Clean Your Baby’s Nose And Ears?

Cleaning his nose and ears, cutting his nails, washing his head… It doesn’t happen the same way in every case, but most kids hate that stuff. As our goal is to help you, we decided to dedicate this section to the topic of cleaning your ears and noses.

We hope our advice works for you.

How to clean a baby’s nose?

To clean a baby’s nose, you don’t need to poke the holes with a cotton swab.

If your child has so-called “snots” (hardened secretions that stick to the nasal passages) they will easily be expelled with breathing. It is likely that every morning you will see yellowish particles over where your baby slept.

However,  if your child catches the flu and his nostrils become congested, it is difficult for him to breathe and eventually he can’t sleep well and keeps moving; there is a way to clean his nose: using saline.

Saline solution is not contraindicated for children. So if you see that your baby has a stuffy nose, you can apply ¼ of a drop of saline to each nostril.

The procedure is simple. Take your baby’s head and put it back a little so that it is easy to apply the saline solution and that it penetrates well into his nostrils. When you do this, wait a few seconds for the serum to enter them.

If your child sneezes right away, perfect, it will unclog his nose faster, but if that doesn’t happen and if he expels liquid; do not be nervous; in this way, too, he will have cleared his nostrils and will be able to breathe better.

It is recommended to do this procedure about 3 times a day. But if you need to clear the channels one more time, you can do it without a hitch.

How to clean a child’s ears?

An otolaryngologist once told me: “the ears should be cleaned with the elbows”. Obviously, at first, I thought he was playing a joke, but seeing his face, I realized he was serious.

So I say the same to you dear mother;  clean your child’s ears using your elbows. No sticking them with dry cotton sticks, or moistened with perfume or alcohol.

All you need to do is clean the baby’s ears, and the entrance to the ear holes with a clean, damp cloth.

Take advantage of bath time to do this. Take the washcloth and cover your finger with it. Then run it around all corners of his ears to get rid of the dirt; but, we emphasize, again, do not try to insert your finger through the orifices of the ears.

Understand well that ear wax has the function of keeping the ear healthy and clean, preventing the entry of harmful agents such as dust, moisture and bacteria that accompany them, and protecting it in general.

Besides the risk, not even you will be sure that every time you insert something in your ears, you will be able to remove the wax; it is likely to achieve the opposite; if you introduce it further, it begins to accumulate until it forms a plug of wax, which can cause hearing difficulties for the baby.

Mom, the fact that your child has ear wax is normal. If when he has the flu, the secretion increases, that is also normal: there are body fluids that increase when the body is infected with a flu virus. You should only take him to the doctor when:

  • You notice that when you touch the outside of his ear and the area around him, the baby will start to cry and become annoyed.
  • Note changes in the color and texture of the ear wax.
  • He constantly scratching his ear.

How to clean your child’s nose and ears?

We, from the Sou Mommy blog, will end this post by stressing that you should not use cotton swabs to clean your baby’s nostrils or ear orifices.

If you know of any healthy and harmless ways to do this cleansing, we’d love you to share that knowledge with us.

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