6 Tips For Organizing Shared Rooms Between 3 Siblings

Rooms shared by several siblings are often messy. However, with good furniture, fenced areas and the application of some interesting tips, this can change quickly.
6 tips for organizing shared rooms between 3 siblings

To organize the shared rooms between 3 siblings, it takes a lot of ingenuity, patience and tons of good ideas to meet the needs of the trio. Below, we will give some suggestions for this challenging mission.

We already know that children love to mess up their rooms, their toys, books, clothes and whatever they find in their path. Games and adventures are the order of the day, both in the bedroom and in different parts of the house.

Therefore, it can sometimes be difficult to maintain a civilized room. But don’t panic: it may be that some of the tips we’ll present here will be useful in the face of such a task.

How to organize shared rooms between 3 different siblings?

First, you need to think clearly. For this, tranquility is necessary, therefore, parents should put their worries aside when taking on this task.

Taking notes of children’s preferences in order to adapt them into a single composition is very helpful. It is also advisable to ask the children for their opinion frequently, as they are the ones who will enjoy the space. In addition, they will feel involved when they see their ideas being accepted.

Likewise, it is necessary to study which are the critical parts of the room. This is where the mess is. Of course, they must be the places where children spend most of their time, which is why we should focus on them.

It is not easy to organize a shared room. Building a pleasant place for each occupant, which provides intimacy and comfort, has its level of difficulty, but with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement it is possible to obtain excellent results.

The important thing is that everyone has their own space for privacy and leisure, where they can have their belongings organized and feel comfortable.

Tips for organizing shared rooms between 3 siblings

If you want to have an ideal space for your three children, don’t miss the following recommendations for organizing the rooms shared between 3 siblings. Without a doubt, they will help you organize your ideas.

1. Furniture

Appropriate, spacious, colorful furniture should be chosen, with low risk of accidents or cuts and that, preferably, pleases children. When choosing these furniture, it is recommended that this be done together with the children. That way, they will know the place of each thing when they are going to use them.

On the other hand, chests are very practical and ideal for storing things. To optimize their usefulness, the ideal is to place them in a corner. With these elements, children will not only locate their belongings quickly, but they will also learn to respect and share their stuff.

Areas for each activity

2. Areas for each activity

The ideal is to create areas to play and study. With a large desk-style table, children can do their homework without any difficulty.

Toys should be on the other side to avoid distractions when doing schoolwork.

Shelves or bookcases hanging on the walls are excellent for placing books, stories, notebooks and other school supplies. They save space and look great.

In addition, a blackboard would be a fundamental piece for this space, as it would serve as a divider between the areas and facilitate educational activities.

It is also convenient to indicate a time to use the study space, especially when children are at different educational levels.

3. The beds

Bunk beds are one of the most common options to take advantage of space. This type of bed comes in different presentations that can be adjusted to the room without any problems. Treliches, for example, would be ideal, as they have a bed for each child.

4. Electronic devices

The area of ​​electronic devices, such as television, video games and stereos, should have little furniture. Children often get carried away with technology, tend to get a little out of control, and, with the turmoil, clutter the room in a matter of seconds.

So the farther these devices are from toys and books, the better. They can be placed near beds as long as children have room to move around.

The television and video game must be placed in a specially designed piece of furniture, with the necessary compartments to store the different accessories they bring.

Meanwhile, the furniture for the stereo should be compact and placed in a corner. Thus, children will be able to dance calmly without the risk of knocking you to the ground with any movement.

In the case of the computer, it can be placed near the study area. It’s important to dedicate an appropriate table just for him.

5. Style of walls

To decorate the walls, it is possible to use decals or posters that please the three children. The color could be consulted with children, although the most convenient is to paint with a pastel tone to bring clarity to the room.

It is important that the space receives good natural lighting and ventilation. Rooms with multiple occupants are generally warm.

Style of walls

6. Suitability of the floor

Placing rugs in all spaces has its advantages. Children can play about them and also read, watch TV or just talk. In addition, mats also prevent them from slipping.

The best option is to choose a large rug in a single color or one with children’s motifs. Of course, it must be kept clean and vacuumed to avoid allergies and other illnesses.

In conclusion, creativity, patience and family contribution are the perfect ingredients to organize the rooms shared between 3 siblings. This is a space where complicity and happiness will converge. Therefore, it must have a little of the essence of each of its occupants.

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