Boys Are Also Affectionate, Loving And Affectionate

Remember every day the importance of teaching little ones emotional intelligence, both boys and girls!
Boys are also affectionate, loving and affectionate

Boys are also affectionate, loving and caring. Because tenderness is not exclusive to the female gender.

We must admit that, not so long ago, that scheme in which it was established that boys should be strong and girls servants was very much attached to our society .

Boys would be strong and brave and girls sensitive as well as beautiful. This dichotomy with regard to gender almost forcefully determined not only an image, but a whole way of relating to the surrounding environment.

The boys of the past, who are the men of the present, continue to find it very difficult to talk about their emotions, express them or even openly demonstrate the empathy with which they better manage certain situations.

So if there’s one thing we should keep in mind from the start, it’s that the male gender is not without its own emotional depths. 

In other words, boys and men also speak the language of love. They can also be – and are – skilled at conveying affection.

However, if we provide these skills from an early age, we will undoubtedly allow our little ones to lead a more fruitful life in this dimension.

In this way, we will be able to ensure that they are not afraid to express their emotions and that they become good artisans in their current and future relationships.

Because teaching emotional intelligence is teaching wisdom and that’s something every child deserves.

Testosterone in boys’ brains and mirror neurons

the boys

Within the womb, boy fetuses begin to experience intense but gradual increases in testosterone from an early age.

It is known that, after birth, the testosterone level drops abruptly until the boy reaches puberty.

But neurologists, in turn, have shown that this hormone also determines the way in which small areas of the brain are distributed and connected.

This makes, for example, boys process information differently in certain situations. Or even that, at times, they show more impulsiveness than girls or more competitive behaviors.

However, we must not forget that the female brain also has its small portion of “testosterone”. Even if in smaller amounts.

Does this mean that testosterone makes boys “more aggressive and less affectionate”?

This is a classic idea: to think that boys come into the world genetically prepared to be stronger and more aggressive than girls . But that’s not true .

Aggression and low level of affection are not genetics. At least not as high as we think. This actually relates to educational models.

  • A boy must be brought up with the same love, care and affection as a girl.
  • Boys are not naturally aggressive. They are not born that way. If that’s what happens to the boys you know, it’s because of the role models in which they were raised;
  • These models lead them to reproduce certain behaviors with which they should demonstrate their supposed “masculinity”. A very harmful, toxic and unsuitable model for a child.

Men also have mirror neurons

the boys

Mirror or mirror neurons play an essential role in our cognitive abilities.

They help us connect with other people. That is, they help us put ourselves in the other’s shoes, imitate, understand and connect with others.

Traditionally, it has always been said that it is women who have this type of neuron.

This is because they are the ones who tend to show a more natural ability to understand and care for others and to establish more affectionate and warm connections by better understanding others’ perspectives.

The time has come to clarify certain aspects. The male gender also has mirror neurons.

A baby who was born a boy, like a baby who was born a girl, is also very sensitive to emotions.

A baby, regardless of gender, immediately connects with the face of the mom who smiles at him and with the dad who cares with such affection and joy.

Boys empathize and connect emotionally with others, just like girls.

However, if we deny them the field of emotions from an early age, it is more likely that they will withdraw from this aspect and try to establish a certain distance . Obviously this is not suitable.

The Importance of Teaching Your Child Emotional Intelligence

the boys

Boys also know how to give hugs. In addition, they worry about their mothers, are scared if they see her crying, they laugh when Dad is happy, and they try to be close to their parents in a loving, intelligent and affectionate way.

There is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary! It’s wonderful to see the little ones feeling free when it comes to showing their positive emotions, seeking the warmth of other people and knowing how to convey their emotions in an authentic way.

So, remember every day the importance of teaching emotional intelligence to little ones .

We shouldn’t make the classic mistake of commenting that “boys don’t cry, boys are strong and keep their emotions to themselves”.

We must be careful never to make this mistake. Otherwise, we will create people who are incompetent, immature and extremely unhappy in the field of emotions.

Educate with love and let both girls and boys be skilled in this practice.

Images, courtesy of Pascal Campion

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