My Baby Fell Out Of Bed: What Should I Do?

It’s almost never the parents’ fault that babies fall off. In fact, it’s more a part of the growth and independence process. It’s normal for you to feel guilty, but you need to get over it.
My baby fell out of bed: what should I do?

It can happen to anyone. If your baby has fallen out of bed, don’t panic and think about what to do.

If your baby fell out of bed, be calm first

Babies’ bones are very fragile, but fractures are infrequent. In case of a fall, the first thing is to remain calm. With a calm mind, you can think better and act consciously. That way you’ll be able to determine if you need to take the baby to the emergency room or if it was just a scare.

When taking action, you must evaluate several aspects. First, the height from which it fell. Was it a chair, a bed, a sofa? If, on the contrary, the baby fell while walking, the impact will be less. This will be crucial in deciding whether you should call the doctor or go to the health center.

with or without blood

Head or back slaps are usually the most gentle. In these cases, there are several aspects to analyze. Check for blood, look for the wound and clean it with gauze, applying very gentle pressure. If the bleeding doesn’t stop or if the wound is too big, you should go to the emergency department.

If the wound is small and the blood pressure drops, it may take longer to get a feel for the picture. Keep in mind that a lot of blood can erupt from the head even when the damage is small.

If there is no bleeding, look for a bump or crack to determine the exact area of ​​the hit. In most cases, it will be sufficient to apply ice to the affected part, although you must remain alert for other symptoms.

fell out of bed

vomiting and pain

Vomiting immediately after the crash is usually a reason for going to a hospital. But  if the baby vomits after several minutes of intense crying, the reason for you to worry diminishes.

It is normal that when children cry, the throat becomes sore. So they start coughing and vomiting appears. But if it’s repetitive and comes out with great force, it’s convenient to seek help.

Pain is also an indicator. Again, if you stop soon, the worry subsides. If it holds up and the child cries and screams a lot, it’s a good idea to go to the emergency room.

Confusion and disorientation

If the child becomes confused, disoriented, or loses consciousness, this is a reason to go to the hospital. If she’s too sleepy and it’s hard to keep her awake, too. Seizures are one of the reasons for going to the hospital right away, as are difficulties in moving, seeing or speaking.

When blood flows through the ears or nostrils after a fall, medical attention must be urgent. It could be a loss of cerebrospinal fluid. You should also see your doctor if you notice blood on the whites of your eye.

Visible deformities in any part of the body, such as misaligned arms or legs or scalp inflammation, also require medical attention. This includes changes in pupil size or unusual eye movements.

After the fall, the child can look good and act normally. In these cases, the parents’ decision is usually to stay at home and see how it evolves. This assessment should take at least 24 hours to detect possible symptoms.

baby at the pediatrician

How to prevent my baby from falling

A fall cannot always be avoided as it is part of the development of a baby’s motor skills. What you may be able to avoid is that these falls are not serious.

To reduce its consequences, there are several steps you can take. Start by protecting the corners of furniture, removing rugs or putting anti-slip in certain places. 

It is important to put safety rails at the beginning and end of stairs, as well as eliminating objects that could cause a fall. Also remove chairs and tables near windows.

When the baby is in the diaper changer, he should never be left unattended as he may tip over and fall. Likewise, whenever the child is in a shopping cart, car or high chair, he/she must be protected by a seat belt.

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