8 Things Pregnant Women Can’t Do

8 things pregnant women can't do

It is important to know what activities pregnant women cannot do to prevent the baby from suffering in any way. Here are some tips to get you through this phase in the best way possible.

There are several things that pregnant women cannot do that we sometimes don’t even know about. This is a phase in which the mother needs to take care of herself and avoid doing activities that could harm the baby or herself. In addition to the physical and mental changes that occur during this process, it is necessary to modify some habits that prevent the correct development of the pregnancy. Below we’ll look at some of these habits.

Things pregnant women can’t do

If you are pregnant, your basic rule of thumb should be to take great care of yourself and enjoy the months of pregnancy with peace of mind. That’s why it’s important to know what might affect our baby and be very aware of the things we shouldn’t do at this stage. Next, we’ll talk about eight things pregnant women shouldn’t do.

pregnant cannot

  1. Avoid raw foods as they can be an easy target for bacteria. These bacteria can facilitate the development of infections, so it is recommended not to consume raw foods. For example, unpasteurized cheeses, fruit juice, eggs, fish or meat, among others.
  2. Don’t drink alcohol. While it’s one of the first things doctors recommend during pregnancy, it’s important to always remember this. Experts advise not to consume alcohol, even a small amount. Research has found it to be a toxic substance that impairs baby brain development.
  3. Decrease your caffeine intake. Consuming too much caffeine during pregnancy can be harmful to your baby. Keep in mind that caffeine is present in many types of beverages.
  4. Do not clean cat feces. By doing this, you run the risk of contracting a well-known infection called toxoplasmosis, which can lead to inconveniences such as premature birth, growth retardation, and eye or brain damage.
  5. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Some studies indicate that there are no risks, but it is better to give preference to natural sweeteners such as honey, for example. Artificial sweeteners contain aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame K, which can cause birth complications.
  6. Do not practice high impact exercises. During pregnancy it is not prohibited to perform various types of exercises, but there are some that should be avoided. High-impact exercises are not recommended for your baby’s health, but low-impact exercises, such as prenatal yoga or walking, can be done without problems (always, of course, consult your doctor before starting to practice). Avoid exercises such as weight lifting, sit-ups, squats and contact sports.
  7. Beware of saunas and bathtubs. You should be careful with activities that involve very high temperatures as they can cause health problems for your baby. It is also important to avoid bathing in very hot water, using blankets that are too hot, and being exposed to the sun for a long period of time.
  8. Do not chew gum. This habit can harm your teeth, as they are more sensitive during pregnancy. Therefore, the recommendation is not to chew gum at this stage.

“In 2010, New Zealand experts found that exercising during pregnancy helps bring healthy weight children into the world.”

What should pregnant women do during pregnancy?

In addition to the things that pregnant women cannot do during pregnancy, there are a hundred other activities that are recommended for this phase. Maybe you already know some. But below we are going to recommend some beneficial practices that will be of great help:

  • Perform perineal exercises. The ideal is to start performing the famous Kegel exercises. These are exercises that help control the perineal muscles.

pregnant cannot

  • Wear a bra. Weight gain can cause severe back pain. A good bra helps to minimize these pains.
  • Enjoy your pregnancy. This is a unique moment in your life. Although you may have uncomfortable symptoms, it is still a very special phase.
  • Feed yourself correctly. It is important to research and know what foods pregnant women can or cannot consume. Some can harm the baby without our knowledge.
  • Talk to your doctor. He is the best guide. Ask him all your questions.

It is essential to be informed about what pregnant women can and cannot do. Besides, of course, knowing which activities are beneficial to mothers at this stage. Often, due to ignorance, we can end up doing things that can harm the baby or our own health.

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